
In English

Self-Sufficiency and Humility (Ioannis Karavidopoulos, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Hermeneutics, A. U. Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today’s Gospel reading presents us with two typical kinds of people: a Pharisee and a publican, both of whom are praying in the temple. They are the exact opposites of the society of the time. One was pious and righteous in the eyes of the people, an expert on the Law, a member of the group of the Pharisees, who were the leading religious class. The other was a representative of the class of sinners, of those whose profession was synonymous with rapacity, violence and swindling people out of their possessions. In the view of the whole of society at that time, a publican was the worst of sinners. So what do these two people say in their prayer? Let’s look ...


Who doesn’t have weaknesses? (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Every passion and all aloofness is merely a spiritual ailment. You have to heal the wickedness and spiritual sickness of others with love and goodness, as you would like them to treat you if were suffering from the same illness. Who doesn’t have weaknesses? Who’s never troubled by the evil one? Saint John Kronstadtskij
