
In English

A steep rise (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today, there’s been a steep rise in the vanity of men as regards their clothing. If a man’s got nothing else to pride himself in, he boasts about his wardrobe. But people who genuinely have something more about them than their clothing don’t become proud. Just as gold isn’t to be found on the surface of the earth, so the spiritual worth of a person isn’t immediately obvious.


The Poor Peasant who Gained Paradise

Κατηγορίες: In English

Tales from Old French (12th/13th century) A tale of folk theology which perhaps bears out Saint Paisios’ saying that there will be many surprises in Paradise We find in writing a wondrous adventure that occurred to a poor peasant. He died one Friday morning and it so happened that neither angel nor devil was at hand at the hour of his death, when the soul departed from his body. Nobody asked anything of him or laid any command on him. He was very glad of this, since he’d been sorely afraid. But then, as he looked to the right, towards heaven, he saw Saint Michael the Archangel bearing a soul in great joy. So he set out after the Archangel and followed ...


Christ’s Acumen (Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘And Christ then said to him: ‘Go and do likewise’. During the time of the Lord’s three-year public ministry ‘certain people who were accustomed to gossiping’ (Saint Cyril of Alexandria), spread the following about Him: they said that He disdained the Law of Moses and ‘brought new teachings into people lives’. This is why the lawyer in today’s Gospel reading comes and tries to involve Christ in a discussion in which he would achieve two things: he would force Christ to admit that the Law of Moses was out of date and that His own law was correct. This lawyer was ignorant of the fact that the Law-giver in both the Old and the New Testaments was Christ Himself. The Treatment of ...
