
In English

The ‘likeness’ (Saint Diadochus of Photice)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Everybody is made in the image of God. But the ‘likeness’ belongs only to those who, with great love, have subjected their freedom to God. Because when we cease to belong to ourselves, then we’re like Him, Who reconciled us with Himself through love. Nobody can achieve this unless they convince their soul not to be lured by the easy glory of this world. » Saint Diadochus of Photice


Wise Words from Saint Porfyrios (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the soul’s in turmoil, it clouds the reason and doesn’t see clearly. When the soul’s calm it illumines the reason which then sees clearly the cause of each thing. The soul’s very profound and only God knows it. Why should we seek darkness? Light a candle and the darkness disperses by itself. If we let Christ reside in our soul, the demons will depart of their own accord. When Christ enters us, then we just experience what’s good; love for the whole world. Evil, sin and hatred disappear by themselves, because they can’t do otherwise, there’s nowhere for them to remain. Don’t be concerned about whether other people love you, but about whether you love Christ and other people. That’s the only way ...
