
In English

Suspicion in Marriage and in Personal Relationships (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Bad thoughts poison life and the relations between people. Especially between a married couple, where thoughts prevail which are the result of the corrosion of time and from the fact that we, as people, aren’t the way others want us to be and the others aren’t as we want them to be, either. In all of these cases, we see the presence of a demonic spirit, and these beings are forever trying to muddle people’s minds and hearts, in order to cause disunity. No-one can claim to be infallible or say that they don’t have idiosyncrasies. But if all you do is look at other people’s behavior, perhaps to justify yourself for your harshness or indifference towards them or so ...


Saint Porfyrios: ‘Get yourself Home, your Daughter’s Committing Suicide!’

Κατηγορίες: In English

One time, a well-known lawyer told me: ‘I had a case involving a lady of very high standing, an exceptional person, extremely well-educated. But she didn’t go to church, didn’t confess, didn’t believe. I was able on one occasion to persuade her to come with me to see Elder Porfyrios. She came only out of deference to my feelings. We went into the Elder’s cell and I made a start with introducing her to him, but he said immediately: ‘Leave. Leave at once. Get yourself home!’ I was astounded and didn’t know what to make of the Elder’s behavior. I said: ‘But Elder, this lady and I have come to see you, to get your blessing’, and so on. He answered: ‘Leave. Go now or ...
