
In English

Three New Saints in the Orthodox Church

Κατηγορίες: In English

Official Communique from the First Day of the Proceedings of the Holy and Sacred Synod (9 March 2020) On Monday, 9 March 2020, the Holy and Sacred Synod convened under the chairmanship of His All-Holiness to carry out the tasks of its three-day sitting. After the reading of the minutes of the previous sessions, it began its consideration of the items on the agenda. In particular, the Holy and Sacred Synod, on the recommendation of the Canonical Committee, entered into the Catalogue of Saints of the Orthodox Church the following blessed Athonite elders, who were variously gifted by God and widely recognized for the sanctity of their life and works. a) Daniil Katounakiotis, whose provenance was Smyrna, a worthy and true successor to Blessed Nikodimos the ...


Hypocrisy: the Outer Shell of Death (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

How beautifully our peoples in the Balkans decorate eggs. As beautiful as possible, so as to decorate Easter, to increase the joy of Easter. To make visitors happier. Sometimes these painted eggs really are works of art. But if these eggs are kept too long, at some stage they’ll go rotten on the inside and give off an unbearable stench. Either that or they’ll dry out completely. That’s when the colored shell retains death within it. The picture of the hypocrites painted by Christ is even more horrific: ‘whitened sepulchers, which indeed appear outwardly beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness’ (Matth. 23, 27). ‘Take heed that you do not give your alms in front of others, ...
