
In English

Look after Yourself! (Archimandrite Nikon Koutsidis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The unity of the soul and mind is what makes our human existence special. Never before has there ever been anyone else exactly like you. Nor will there ever be again. Each of us is unique and inimitable in the whole history of the human race. There is, of course, the point that no-one is irreplaceable, but this is wrong. If we’re talking about work, we aren’t concerned with replacement but succession. At work, people can be replaced, but as far as our very existence is concerned, we’re irreplaceable. This is precisely why, in the Gospel, Christ says this about the value of our soul: ‘What good will it do someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what ...


‘Wretch that I am..’

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Wretch that I am, I have spent the whole of my life, Lord, with harlots, as did the Prodigal. In contrition I cry: Heavenly Father, I have sinned. Take pity on me, save me. Do not reject me, keeping me far from You, now that I am bereft of Godly deeds’. (Vespers, stichero)


Corona, Virus of the Hard Heart (Dr. Haralambis Bousias)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Cold is good for viral infections. With heat, they disappear. Cold preserves foodstuffs, but freezes human activities. Cold deadens nature which awaits the life-giving rays of the sun for its revival. The cold puts people who work outside, farmers and such, into hibernation, in the expectation of the coming of spring when they can, once again start their laborious tasks. The cold makes people gather around their hearths, learning from the reminiscences of the past and planning for the future. Finally, in today’s conditions and experiences, the cold encourages the spread of the corona pandemic which will not pass until the warmth of the spring and summer arrives. God, Who ‘made everything in wisdom’ (Ps. 103, 24) has brought us heat ...
