
In English

We’re sustained by it (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For us Christians who are enlightened and illumined in Christ everything in this world has meaning and value insofar as it constitutes a means and path to eternity. Because we see what isn’t apparent and gaze on the invisible. We order the whole of our life in time on the basis of what’s eternal and measure what’s human by Him Who is God and human. As long as there’s something eternal within the bounds of the temporal, we’re sustained by it. But when it’s absent, we seek it in the realm of the infinite and invisible. We look at everything through the prism of eternity. That is through the prism of Christ, since He is the eternal God and Lord.


The Veneration of the Cross (Fr. Alexander Schmemann)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Third Sunday of Lent is called “The Veneration of the Cross”. At the Vigil of that day, after the Great Doxology, the Cross is brought in a solemn procession to the center of the church and remains there for the entire week – with a special rite of veneration following each service. It is noteworthy that the theme of the Cross which dominates the hymnology of that Sunday is developed in terms not of suffering but of victory and joy. More than that, the theme-songs (hirmoi) of the Sunday Canon are taken from the Paschal Service – “The Day of the Resurrection” – and the Canon is a paraphrase of the Easter Canon. The meaning of all this is clear. ...


The Cross, The Archpriest Christ’s Symbol of Redemption (Andreas Theodorou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The feast of the Veneration of the Cross is undoubtedly one of the greatest in Orthodoxy and is especially loved and honoured by members of the Church. The focus of the feast- which the faithful are invited to venerate- is the Precious Cross, upon which Christ, after He had stretched out His holy palms, ‘united what had been divided’. God died in the flesh and, with His ultimate sacrifice, His love and submission, which culminated in the mystery of divine self-emptying, He atoned for sinful people before our holy God, satisfied divine justice for the sins and guilt of the whole world, redeemed His creation from the evil of the devil and the snare of death, pledging His most holy Blood ...


‘The Cross brings peace to our life and sweetness to bitter experiences’ (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

HOMILY ON THE SUNDAY OF THE VENERATION OF THE HOLY CROSS (22/3/2020) The Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross is today! With a spirit of celebration and surrounded by flowers, the Precious Cross of Christ is placed in the center of the Church. All of the faithful come forward to venerate the life-bearing Cross of Christ, with profound devotion in gratitude for everything that It has already given to us, and what It continues to offer. We are now halfway through Great Lent, along with the spiritual and ascetic struggles that go with it. As today’s Synaxarion explains, the Church presents to us the life-giving Cross in order to refresh and comfort us, as we endure the hardships of fasting. The ...


Not many tread this path (Saint Macarius of Egypt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

After suffering great torments and displaying fortitude unto death, the holy martyrs became worthy of crowns and glory. The greater and harsher the tortures they were subjected to, the more glory and boldness they acquired before God. In the same way, provided they’re patient to the end and don’t complain, souls which have been delivered into all kinds of sorrows (either from other people or from bodily ills) will be given the same crowns and the same boldness as the martyrs. And they’ll not only enjoy all this from God in the future, but even here they’ll be granted the consolation of the Holy Spirit. Given that the path which leads to heavenly life is indeed narrow and full of ...
