
In English

Father Isaak had a Snake for Company!

Κατηγορίες: In English

This story was told by Archimandrite Gavriil (1886-1983), former Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Dionysiou. Back in the late 1970s, early ’80s, I was making a visit to the Holy Mountain, which is easy from Thessaloniki, where we live. In those days, the ship’s first stop was the boat-house of Zograf, the Bulgarian monastery. When we got there, a venerable monk came on board accompanied by three or four younger ones. Everyone on the boat- captain, crew, passengers- stopped what they were doing and stood up. Naturally I did the same, without knowing why. When we settled down again, I asked someone who it was and he said ‘Elder Gavriil, from Dionysiou’. Apart from the obvious respect in which ...


Timid people (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Timid people, the great and wise Abbas Isaac the Syrian used to say, generally suffer from two spiritual illnesses: lack of faith and excessive concern for the body. If you struggle to overcome these two evils, it will be obvious that you believe wholeheartedly in God and that you’re ready to accept anything unpleasant that He may allow to happen to you. » Saint Isaac the Syrian


Interceding for Us (Miracles of Saint Joseph the Hesychast) (Elder Ephraim of Arizona †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When I was abroad in 1987 I saw Geronda again in my sleep after finishing my vigil. He looked very happy and much younger than he was when he passed away. He said to me: “My child, know that when you are obedient, you help make my petitions and intercessions more accepted by God because I am praying for people who are forceful in their spiritual struggle.” “Yes, Geronda, we are trying to be obedient, and I try to do everything you told me. I have held on to everything you taught me, and. now I live—in a simple way—as you used to live.” He was delighted to hear that, and when I woke up I was thoroughly renewed. It is very ...


The Jerusalem of Above (Elder Ephraim of Arizona †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Jesus Christ calls upon all of us who love Him to be crucified with Him. Then will follow the resurrection of the soul and spiritual delight. The winter is harsh, the cold painful, but Paradise is sweet. Raise your eyes and look upon Jerusalem Above, where happiness, joy and bliss will reign throughout the ages. What joy, what delight to live with God forever… So let us love one another, my sons, because everything is love there and anyone who doesn’t have love, doesn’t enter. » Elder Ephraim of Arizona


The Greatest and most Wonderful Thing I Experienced with Saint Païsios

Κατηγορίες: In English

(Edited by Stelios Koukos) I experienced great and wonderful things with that holy laborer of our Lord. I’ve left to the last the greatest and most wonderful  incident with Saint Païsios. It happened at the feast of the Monastery of Koutloumousi . During the course of the vigil I was inside the main church. By the light of the lamps and a few candles, the prayerful atmosphere in the church reached its peak. I wasn’t used to standing for such long services, though. About eight hours after the start of Great Vespers, around 4 o’clock in the morning, I felt exhausted. So I decided to leave the church for a bit and take a break. As I went out, when I was still ...
