
In English

Monastic Conversations with Father Zacharias (II) (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Question: How is unity acquired in a community? Answer: We must have all the brethren in our heart, no one should be absent, even those that may wrong us. Unfortunately we do not allow ourselves to be transformed by grace, but we always justify ourselves and harbour resentment, and so there is no outcome, there is no victory. The real victory was in the Blood of the Lamb of God and we find real victory in forgiving from our hearts. That is why before Lent we are asked to forgive from our heart, because if we do not the labour of Lent is annulled. You can pray, you can cry, but the heart simply does not open. And we need the ...


Homily on the Lord’s Ascension (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

With the Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven, we may think that His Disciples were sad to be separated from Him. Up until that moment, the Lord was with them. He spoke to them, and they heard His voice. Now He’s gone, and they won’t see Him again! That is how the Ascension appears to human eyes. But if we look at it through the eyes of the soul, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, we see it very differently. The Ascension is not a separation or ending, but a continuation of the Lord’s Resurrection. In this light, it becomes the most joyous event. It is the fulfillment of our Lord Jesus Christ’s mission, for which He became man, and entered ...
