
In English

Fortunate and unfortunate (Saint Silouan the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

How fortunate we Orthodox Christians are! What a God we have! Those who don’t know Him really deserve our sympathy. They don’t see the eternal light and, after death, wander in eternal darkness. We know this because the Holy Spirit, in the Church, informs the saints concerning what happens in heaven and in hell. How unfortunate these deluded people are. They can’t know what true joy is. Sometimes they enjoy themselves and laugh, but that laughter will be changed into mourning and lamentation. Christ is our joy. Through His Passion He inscribed us in the book of life. In the kingdom of heaven we will be with God eternally, we’ll see His glory and rejoice with Him. Our joy is ...


Prophet Elijah the Tishbite (Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The prophet Elijah occupies a special place among the ranks of the prophets of the Old Testament, and his name is often mentioned in the New, both by the Lord or by various holy persons The word ‘prophet’ denotes someone who has the gift of prophecy, a teacher, a special organ for revelations of God. The phenomenon of prophecy first appeared among the Jews with people known as ‘ecstatic’ prophets. They toured towns and villages, going into a state of ecstasy with the aid of music and dance. In this condition, they would receive divine messages, which they would then transmit to the people. At the time of the kings, people appeared who were enlightened by God, such as Elijah and ...
