
In English

Within limits (Elder Epifanios Theodoropoulos †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We should be aware of our limitations. Lots of people suffer from this. They see an ascetic making some very hard and strict effort and think: ‘I’ll do that as well’. But is that within your powers? Or is it an attack from the right by the devil? Talk to your spiritual guide as to whether you should be making this great effort. There’s a danger you’re being led astray.


The Great Paraclitic Canon (Archbishop Stylianos of Australia †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The time from August 1 to 15 is a period in the Church’s year during which the Orthodox soul turns to Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God, with eyes full of contrition. For the two weeks before the feast of the Dormition, the bells ring at sunset and crowds of the faithful go to sing the Great Paraclitic Canon. Of course, we have similar contrition during the period of the Salutations to Our Most Holy Lady. But whereas in the Salutations the dominant tone of the hymns is celebration of the limitless qualities of the woman who ‘became the Mother of God’, in the Paraclitic Canon in August the tone is mournful, reflecting the pain of the deeply-suffering faithful, ...


Let’s not fool ourselves (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our struggle is against the enemies of our eternity and immortality. These are: our sins, our passions and our desires, the spiritual aspects of wickedness. Every sin steals a little from our eternity and mortifies our immortality. Let’s not fool ourselves: fondness for sin is enmity towards God, enmity towards the Lord and Christ. Without faith in the Lord and Christ, without rebirth in Christ the Lord, without life in Christ the Lord, we are and remain a workshop for the demons.


Joys and Sorrows are from God (Saint Theophan the Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On earth, there are more sorrows than joys. And just as the latter are sent by God, so the former are allowed by Him. For a variety of reasons. On occasion so that we bestir ourselves from spiritual hibernation. On another so that we can put a stop to a particular sin. Or be cleansed through repentance. Or for us to show our devotion to the Lord. On our part, however, in all these instances, we have to show boldness and patience, both for the glory of God and also for our own spiritual advancement. So it was for one of the above reasons that God has allowed sorrows to visit you. Be vigilant and don’t resist the will of God. ...
