
In English

On Love (Elder Germanos Stavrovouniotis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those who strive to achieve perfect love, both for God and for their neighbor, can also confess our Lord Jesus Christ ‘in the Holy Spirit’ (see 1 Cor. 12, 3). You have to believe that God loves you even if everybody else turns away from you and everyone abandons you. You should see all your brothers in the monastery as a single person. In other words, don’t make exceptions and don’t have more love for anyone in particular. Love all of them to the same extent, because you’re all brothers, you’re all living in the same home, in the same monastery. When you think that the others don’t love you and aren’t supporting you, then remember that, even when everyone else abandons you, ...


Conversations with Father Zacharias – The Crucified eros (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Question: If earthly life without the love of Christ is deprived of all good, how much more is this true in the other world? Living without this love will be ‘the gnashing of teeth’ (Matt. 8:12), ‘the worm that dies not’ (Mark 9:44). Archim. Zacharias: One cannot live with God unless one is in love with Him. Walking towards his martyrdom, Saint Ignatius was speaking like one in love, saying, ‘My love is crucified.’ This means that his love was spiritual, pure and holy, but the only way to express it with some sort of resemblance was through human eros. When people are in love, they have this fierce, irresistible eros; they cannot think of anything else and desire to speak ...
