
In English

Conversations with Father Zacharias – Envy (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Question: Is pride the cause of jealousy? Archim. Zacharias: There may be many causes, but above all it is lack of trust in God Who gives all things to all men. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the Father says to his elder son: ‘Why do you react with jealousy with regard to your brother? All that is mine is thine, nothing can harm you’ (cf. Luke 15:31) and God says the same words to every one of us. We do not need jealousy if all that is His is available to each one of us, because there is no way that we can be harmed or wronged. When Peter asked the Lord after His Resurrection: ‘What about John?’, the ...


The Fisherman of Gennesaret: a Historical Approach (Anastasios Aslanidis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The two brothers, Simon and Andreas, plied the trade of fishermen (Mk. 1, 16) and came from Bethsaida (Jn. 1, 44), as did another of Christ’s disciples, Philip (Jn. 12, 21) At the time of the calling of the first disciples, Mark tells us that there were two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee who were called by Christ to follow Him (Mk. 1, 19-20). Both Mark and Matthew place the calling of the two disciples in Capernaum not in Bethsaida, the home town of the disciples and one which played an important role in Christ’s public ministry. Capernaum and Bethsaida belonged to different tetrarchies: Capernaum was in that of Antipas and Bethsaida in that of Philip. The ...


Sunday after the Exaltation: Being and Having (Ioannis Karavidopoulos, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Hermeneutics, A. U. Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The real scourge of humankind, particularly nowadays, is the feeling of insecurity and uncertainty which is the concomitant of sin, of our effort to revolt, that is, our desire to become ‘the masters of our fate’ and thereby dethroning God from His place as our Creator and Lord. But in this way an enormous and terrifying vacuum is created within us which, when we realize it consciously or unconsciously and are horrified at the abyss of its dimensions, we think we can deal with by accumulating a great deal of material wealth, so that we can feel secure in the world and can ignore the troublesome thought of death. But in doing all this, the only thing we achieve is to ...
