
In English

What does salvation mean? (Book of the Elders)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Is the death of the body a prerequisite for entry into the Kingdom of Christ, then? How can we develop our ability to live in accordance with Christ’s commandments, in accordance with the Holy Spirit? One thing alone is important: we must guard the intensity of our prayer and our repentance. Then death won’t be a rupture, but a transition to the Kingdom, for which we’ll have been prepared by communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, through prayer and through the invocation of His Name: ‘Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us and on Your world’.


Elder Avgustin’s Gift of the Sight and the Monk on the Holy Mountain who Saw the Slaughter of the Tsar’s Family (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I met the Elder for the first time in 1950. , though I didn’t have the opportunity to get to know him well personally at that time. But everybody talked about his sanctity. In 1955, when I went back to Filotheou, I went to see him in his kelli on the second day, but, unfortunately, he wasn’t there. I left a few things outside his door and returned to the monastery, being careful not to be seen by anyone, because I didn’t want the fathers to think I went round the kellia taking things and so on. The next day, in the afternoon, Elder Avgustin came to the monastery and asked for me: ‘Where’s Father Païsios?’ The fathers were surprised and said: ‘We haven’t really ...


Love is the Criterion of Faith and Works (2nd Sunday of Luke) (Georgios Patronos, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Athens)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Gospel reading for 2nd Luke comes from the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. In Saint Matthew’s Gospel, in which almost all Jesus’ teaching during his public ministry is gathered together, emphasis is placed on the overall context of the Christian life. Here, in the Gospel according to Saint Luke, in which events are set out in their historical time-line, that is in the order in which they happened, we have another, interesting tradition. Luke splits up the Sermon and draws the attention of the faithful to the central point in each part. Today, the reference point is how to live love. Faith and the essence of Christian ethics find their recognition. The criterion for veracity is love. In the previous ...


Three Enemies Wage War on the Human Race (Saint Joseph the Hesychast)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Three enemies wage war on the human race: the demons, our own nature and habit. Other than those, there’s no other warfare. If you could take away the demon who tyrannizes the whole of humankind, then we’d all be good. He’s the one you should wrong. He’s the one you should hate, condemn and have as your enemy to the end. As we’ve said, the other enemy is our own nature, which, from the moment we understand the world, takes up a position against the law of the spirit and demands whatever will lead to the loss of our soul. So there’s another enemy which deserves to be hated as long as you live. You should condemn it, denounce it. And then we ...


The Holy Hieromartyr Dionysios the Areopagite

Κατηγορίες: In English

The holy hieromartyr Dionysios was a member of the Court of Areios Pagos, and was more prominent than anyone else because of his wealth, fame, prudence and wisdom. He embraced faith in Christ when he heard Saint Paul preach on the rock of the Areios Pagos and received holy baptism. He was consecrated bishop of Athens, succeeding the holy and wise Ierotheos on the Episcopal throne. From his predecessor, Dionysios learned divine and confidential mysteries of our faith. And thus, the saint left very important, strange and wonderful writings. We shall mention here, as a small example, certain elements of only one of his works. Saint Dionysios the Areopagite, 16th Century fresco, Monastery of Stavronikita, Holy Mountain Athos In one of his ...
