
In English

The Great Martyr Saint Dimitrios (Pantelis Paschos, Professor of Theology)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In a lyrical psalm , the great poet of our Church, the Prophet David, gives the name ‘myrrh’ to the spirit of unity among those dwelling together under the sanctified protection of the Church. They have common desires, longings, the same fight against the many-headed demon, unremitting struggles for a closer approach to sanctity, for union with God. Today, this myrrh is increased and strengthened from a new ‘vessel of myrrh’ which has opened in the wonderful and grievously-stricken city of Thessaloniki. The whole city has become a spring from which bubble rills of myrrh-perfumed waters, spreading like brooks throughout the whole of the world, in order to cleanse the faithful from their passions and their ailments and to curtail ...


Cheap Love (Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Like many, if not all, Elders on the Mountain, Elder Aimilianos was very loving towards those in his spiritual charge- in his case the monks at Simonos Petras and the nuns at Ormylia. But, to use a colloquial expression, ‘he took no prisoners’. A young monk who went to live with Elder, now Saint, Iosif the Hesychast, says that the saint treated him harshly, chastised him, told him off and tired him out. This was not out of lack of love, but because the monk was spiritually weak in the beginning. Well, Saint Iosif must have been doing something right because that young man, Efraim, became Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Filotheou and then went to America and founded ...
