
In English

Sin and Sickness: An Orthodox View (2) (Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We have another instance where the righteous suffer without guilt, as in Job and Tobias. In these cases the answer is provided by Scripture itself: the aim is to manifest the loyalty of the believer and to glorify God’s name: ‘May the name of the Lord be blessed’. There is also the prophetic/eschatological perspective of sickness, as we might call it. The Servant of Yahweh in Isaiah bears the sicknesses of the people of God and suffers with the aim of atoning for the sins of his people (Is. 53, 4). We should mention that, in the Old Testament, it is nowhere forbidden to have recourse to medical science for the healing of sickness. On the contrary, in the Wisdom of Sirach, ...


Why unlock oneself? A new anthropology growing out of the ancient principle of synergy (Sergey Horujy, Academician)

Κατηγορίες: In English

…When he was in deep meditation in a praying posture with his hands open to the heavens, he saw suddenly how Shesha-Ananta descends down into his open palms. However, he experienced neither fright nor surprise at this prodigious spectacle: he had experienced a moment of truth. He realized that in his spiritual labors he strove after and achieved Samadhi: a meeting with the infinite and absolute, in which the ultimate goal and meaning of all these labors lay, the meaning of the experience that was the object of his persistent search. The apparition of the Divine Snake Shesha-Ananta, the symbol of infinity, was nothing but evidence of this meeting. And then he began to express the truth about the event ...


It feels its betrayal (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Transgression against the commandment brought the fall, which is our estrangement from God and everything that has to do with Him. God accepted our repentance and return to our obedience to His divine will after He’d restored our relationship with His love and sanctity. The most acceptable form of repentance, according to the Fathers, is fervent tears which well up from the pain of the heart that feels its obnoxious guilt and its betrayal of God’s paternal love.


Sin and Sickness: An Orthodox View (Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In one of the most beautiful modern examples of our ecclesiastical education, Sister Magdalen of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Baptist at, Tolleshunt Knights, Essex, says that we can’t speak drily about this sensitive subject, and not feel involved. And even if we think that we can’t feel involved in sickness when we ourselves are healthy, if we have the merest smidgeon of Christian self-awareness we won’t claim that we don’t feel involved in sin. A great danger lurks for those who make an effort to see the relationship between sin and sickness from a theological standpoint: that they’ll close the subject with harsh stereotypes which often enough can be heard even from the pulpit and will present theology ...


It doesn’t go away (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Some Christians, either through their own fault or that of others find themselves trapped in the sickness of guilt, and a lot of secular people suffer from a worse illness: pride. Now spiritual guilt is dissipated through Christ and repentance, at confession. But the pride of people living ‘in the world’’, far from Christ, doesn’t disappear.


Temptations in our Life (Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christ performed many miracles. He performed miracles on people, such as when He cured the paralytic at Capernaum, the ten lepers, the son of the widow of Nain and so on. He also performed miracles which showed us facets of His personality, such as the miracles of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection and the Ascension. Finally, He performed miracles on inanimate material, such as when He multiplied the five loaves and cursed the barren fig-tree. In today’s Gospel reading, He calms the waters of the sea and makes the wind drop. The absence of Christ After the multiplication of the five loaves, He told his disciples to ‘get into the boat and go before him to the other side’ (Matth. 14, 22). When ...


The life-belt of the soul (Elder Amfilokhios Makris)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Through the prayer ‘Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me’, we’ll gain everything. Through this prayer, we’re cleansed, burnished and sanctified. This prayer is the life-belt of the body and of the soul. It’s the basis of perfection. You won’t be weighed down and you’ll fly. There’s no other way of salvation, purification and sanctification than prayer of the heart. It’s filled paradise with saints.


Encyclical on Bearing an Icon of the Holy Trinity in a Procession (Metropolitan Chrysostomos III of Mani)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Since a question was asked at our office concerning the propriety of bearing an icon of the Holy Trinity in a procession, the theological advisor to the Holy Metropolis of Mani, Georgios Filias, Professor of Liturgics at the University of Athens, was asked to respond and he did so in the following manner, with which we concur. Metropolitan Chrysostomos III of Mani Depicting the Holy Trinity §1 The depiction of the Holy Trinity is an offshoot of the theology of the Church and records the relationship between the three Persons. It is well known that, in Orthodox iconography, it is admissible to depict only that which we have seen and which has happened historically, the visions of the prophets and the symbols of ...


Alas (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Alas, many people distance themselves from God by making use of the very freedom He Himself gave them, as well as the choice they can make to be good or bad people. And when they fall into sin, they tend more easily towards the bad rather than the good.


Statement by Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios (Danforth Shooting in Toronto) (Metropolitan of Toronto Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

“A heart-breaking act of violence took place last night at the Greektown on the Danforth. Two innocent people lost their lives: a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman. We pray for the repose of their souls and extend our sincere condolences to their families and friends. The gunman himself also lost his life; we pray for him as well and mourn the tragedy that would lead someone to perform such an evil act. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the wounded and we humbly entreat our merciful and loving Lord Jesus Christ to completely restore their health. Faith in God and love for our neighbour can help us overcome such tragedies; love and forgiveness will always allow good to ...


The Personality of Saint Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles (Georgios Zaravelas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Mary Magdalene is the most outstanding person in the circle of Christ’s women disciples, and, indeed, the most significant female figure in the Christian Church, after the Mother of God. Her importance for the Church is expressed in the lengthy references to her in the Lives of the Saints. We have very little information concerning her life. She was born in Magdala, a town to the west of the Lake of Gennesaret and south of the plain of Galilee, which is why she’s known as Magdalene. Her parents, Syros and Efharistia, were pious Jews, with a highly-developed sense of charity and compassion, which they transmitted to their daughter. Mary became associated with the Lord after he cured her of seven ...
