
In English

Let’s Move Forward (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It mentions in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers that some monks asked Abba Elijah, in Egypt, what he thought of Abba Agathon, who had a good reputation as a monk. The elder replied: ‘Compared to other monks these days, he’s good’. Then they asked: ‘Compared with older ones, what’s he like?’ He answered: ‘I told you, given the way monks are today, he’s good. But compared with the old ones… I knew a man in Skete who could stop the sun in the sky, just as Joshua son of Nun did’. This dialogue refers to the spiritual state of vigilance and development. There are people who’ve managed to stop some of the sins which were troubling them spiritually or who’ve become more ...


Doxastiko at the Vespers of Saint Dimitrios (Plagal tone 2) – Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos (Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos, Archon Protopsaltis of the Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Doxastiko at the Vespers of Saint Dimitrios «Σήμερον συγκαλείται ημάς» (‘Today we are called’), set to music by Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos in the 2nd plagal tone and sung by Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos, Archon Protopsalits of the Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople at the Vespers of Saint Dimitrios. The recording comes from a series by the Archon, entitled: ‘Βυζαντινοί Εκκλησιαστικοί Ύμνοι κατά το ύφος της Μ.τ.Χ.Ε Ακολουθία του Αγίου Δημητρίου’ (Byzantine Ecclesiastical Hymns in the style of the Great Church of Christ. Service for Saint Dimitrios). The text is by the Archon himself and can be found in his book entitled: ‘Επτάτομος Μουσική Κυψέλη’ (‘Seven-Volume Musical Treasury’, vols. IV-V, Vespers-Matins), which was published by the wife of the late master, Mrs, Maria Chrys. ...


The aim (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Being a Christian, in the narrow sense, means making extreme efforts to cleanse your heart and your mind from nasty thoughts. What kind of struggle? There’s an enormous wealth of knowledge on this subject, with the teachings of the Fathers and a rich store of experience from the lives of thousands of holy men and women, who have confirmed these teachings in practice. Purification of the self from wicked and nasty thoughts and the eradication of every evil has always been the aim of all the great ascetics, hermits and hesychasts. » Saint Nicholas Velimirovich


Knowledge of God is Achieved through Love for Him (Christoforos Papadopoulos, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s been said that good is to be identified with God, and that therefore knowledge of it is tantamount to knowledge of God. And because God’s a person, not an idea, knowledge of Him is realized through personal communication with Him. The more we love God the more we know Him and this knowledge of God then becomes love again. Just as God loves us completely, so does He want us to love Him. This is expressed in the first commandment: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’. We’re called to love God with all the powers of mind, body and soul, with everything that makes ...


The Saints Reveal the Truly Free Person (Archimandrite Theofilos Lemontzis, D. Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

An important place in Biblical and Patristic thought is accorded to the battle against the fear of death and Satan and to the achievement of freedom, in Christ, from all forms of self-interest and necessity. ‘I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more’ (Lk. 12, 4). He said to His disciples, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ (Mk. 4, 40). The lives of the saints are permeated with this militant and heroic spirit. As sharers in the Holy Spirit, they fear nothing, not death, not deprivation, not poverty, not the devil: ‘For those who are led by the Spirit of God ...


The acts of the enemy (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The struggle is relentless and continuous, external and internal. Sometimes, the enemy acts visibly, through people and things, and at others he attacks people invisibly, through their thoughts. On occasion, he’ll appear openly, with a violent and merciless attack, like an enemy, but at others he’ll be disguised as a friend, who flatters and leads you astray with his cunning. » Saint Nicholas Velimirovich


Christ is the Source and Origin for Forgiveness and Entry into Paradise

Κατηγορίες: In English

Someone once went to Elder Iosif the Cave-Dweller- may we have his blessing- a man who came from his home town. When he got there, the Elder asked him about all the old people there. You know, the way you do if somebody comes from home. How’s so-and so? How’s old what’s his name doing? That sort of thing. That’s what Elder Iosif asked. A great striver. And a man who loved his home town. Eventually they got to someone and he asked: ‘How’s he doing?’ The pilgrim shuffled uneasily. ‘He died without confession, Elder. And he’s left us very worried about him’. The Elder then pierced him with a penetrating look and said: ‘Brother, you’re wrong. Kostas confessed’. ‘How did he?’ ‘Before he departed he ...


Love and pressure (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The supposedly ‘pious’ parents, whose concern was to make their children into ‘good Christians’, oppressed them through their human love and achieved the opposite to what they wanted. Children are pressed when they’re little and then, when they become sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, they go off in a different direction. » Venerable Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading for the 6th Sunday of Luke (Galatians 2: 16-20) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

“It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (verse 20) What we hear today in the Apostolic Reading, is an address by the Apostle Paul to the Galatian Christians. Galatia was a Province of the Roman Empire located in the center of Asia Minor, with Ankara as its capital. The Apostle Paul, during his Apostolic Journey, preached the Gospel there and founded Christian Churches. Shortly after, false teachers began to work in the area. They were fanatical Judaizers, teaching the Christians that in order to be saved, they had to be circumcised and obey the provisions of Jewish Law. They also declared that people should not accept what Paul teaches, because he was not one of the original ...


The Repercussions of the Decisions of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod in the West (Panteleimon Levakos, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The second month of the Church’s year is linked to the celebration of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod. This was a synod which was accompanied by one of the most violent interventions by the State in the internal affairs of the Church. The iconoclast dispute was the last Christological quarrel* and threatened not only the dogmatic but also the territorial cohesion of the Empire, both in the East and in the West. The Synod was called in Nicaea, Bithynia, in 787, with the aim of putting an end to the conflict by dogmatically establishing the honour to be paid to the holy icons. At the same time as this was happening, the Byzantines in the West were facing sustained diplomatic and ...


The purifying prayer (Archimandrite Georgios Kapsanis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Every prayer of the Church assists with the purification of the heart. But especially the Jesus Prayer: ‘Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, sinner that I am’. This prayer, which has been passed down over the centuries on the Holy Mountain has the following advantage: since it’s only a sentence long, it allows us to concentrate our mind. In doing so, we help our mind to descend into the heart and we pray from there with no thought for any other thing or concept, evil or good, but God alone. » Blessed Georgios Kapsanis, Proegumen of Gregoriou Monastery


Avarice, the Grave Sickness of the Soul (Fotis Kondoglou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near’ (Lk. 12, 33) ‘Avarice is the root of all evils’ (I Tim. 6, 10) Of all the sicknesses that befall the human soul, the most repulsive, in my view is avarice, or miserliness. I’ve abhorred it since I was a child. And now, although my opinion on many things has changed with age, I still feel the same about people being tight-fisted. I’d rather have dealings with a murderer than with a miser. Because a murderer might have killed in the heat of the moment, in anger, and then have repented afterwards, but a miser’s an ice-cold calculator, rotten to ...


Energy and personality in the theology of John Meyendorf and in contemporary philosophy (3) (Sergey Horujy, Academician)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Bibikhin’s positions in the energy problem are close in many points to the positions by Heidegger (he was the translator of Heidegger’s principal works in Russian, and his general philosophical standpoints were also close to Heideggerian ones). Heidegger did not discuss Palamas’ teaching; but the very scale of his thought as well as his fundamental studies in the energy problem embracing all its historical stages prescribe the horizon and level for the contemporary vision of the problem and make it necessary to take them into account. First of all, as mentioned above, Heidegger states that the energy problem is of key importance for ontology and for philosophy as such; cf., e.g.: “For Aristotle the question about dynamis and energeia is ...


Do you Judge with Love or Misanthropy? (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

From Homily XIII on the Gospel of Saint Matthew If you forgive your neighbours, before you free them of any burden, you release yourself from your sins, without any effort. And if you examine the sins of others with charity and leniency, by this judgement you store up a wealth of forgiveness for yourself. What then? Suppose somebody fornicates, should I not say that fornication’s bad, should I not correct someone who’s performing disgusting practices? Of course you should, but not as if they’re opponents, or enemies who deserve vengeance, but rather as a doctor who mixes medicines. We’re supposed to restrain those who sin, but not to judge them. In other words, you shouldn’t be a strict judge. And, as I’ve ...


Awareness (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

As the image of God, people should be self-aware, free and in control of themselves, because if awareness is taken away from them, they become unfree and are ruled by others. They’re unworthy of their high calling, such a sublime destination which is what their divine Creator wanted for them. So personal freedom is a necessary consequence of our high mission of the training of our character and of our presence in the world. » Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis
