
In English

Saint Justin Popović, the ‘Evangelist’ of the Mystery of the Annunciation (Alexandros Christodoulou, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Justin (Popović) was born on March 25, 1894, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, in the town of Vranje in Southern Serbia, to devout parents, Father Spiridon and Tashe (Anastasia). At his baptism, in the church of the Annunciation, he was given the name Blagoje (semantically linked in Slavonic to the word for ‘Annunciation’). The ‘evangelist’* Blagoje experienced and practiced his ascetic life in the great mystery of the Annunciation, the good news of the incarnation of the Lord, from 1894 until the Feast of the Annunciation 1979, when he entered into eternal life. His surname, Popović, means ‘son of a priest’ and indicates that his father’s family was traditionally linked to the clergy, having ...


Miracles of Saint Theosevios (Saint Neofytos Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The deaf man and another who was blind Some time later, two people were walking along the road, one of whom was deaf and was holding the hand of the other, who was blind. The blind man heard wonderful hymn-singing and joyful, melodic voices and said to the deaf man: ‘If only you could hear the melodic hymns that I can, brother. And I wish I could see the form of the wonderful singers’. The latter said he could just about hear, very faintly, some of the singing. They left the road and made their way to the place where the sound was coming from. As they were walking along, the ears of the deaf man opened completely and he could ...


The Joy of the Annunciation (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Feast of the Annunciation lends a pre-Paschal feeling to Great Lent, during which it always falls. The atmosphere of compunction recedes and gives way to the joy of the great feast. This is why we have a dispensation to eat fish. The hymns, the celebrations and all the other things associated with a Feast of the Mother of God dispel the spirit of mourning of Lent and offer us the opportunity to enjoy the Annunciation (which means ‘announcement’ or ‘message’), the news of the forthcoming advent and birth of Him Who would release humankind from the bonds of death, of corruption and of sin. In Greece it coincides with the national holiday commemorating the outbreak of the revolution against Turkish ...


Miracles of Saint Diomidis (3) (Saint Neofytos Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Third miracle It was said of one man that his stomach gradually expanded on a daily basis, and if he ate and drank a lot he felt even more hungry and thirsty. His face was pallid and unpleasant to look at and he was in terrible pain, day and night. While he was in this terrible state, he went to the relics of the saint, weeping fervent tears and begging to be given a cure and not to leave empty-handed. Since the grave was well-sealed and never opened, the by-standers laid him lengthwise, on his back, on the grave, placed the icon-light on his stomach and rubbed oil from it onto him. The man fell asleep for a short time, during ...


Saint Gregory Palamas (Metropolitan of Gortyn and Megalopolis, Ieremias)

Κατηγορίες: In English

My Christian friends, if you want to make spiritual progress- as I’m sure you do- then I recommend that you embrace prayer and read the lives of the saints and the teachings of the Fathers of our Church. In these you’ll see the magnificence of our Orthodox faith and also how we are to live it on an everyday basis. One great Father of our Church, who, for a long time was hardly known at all because preachers never mentioned him in their sermons and catechisms, was Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki. I’ll just say a few words about him here and you, who have a thirst for knowledge, can investigate further. Saint Gregory Palamas, my beloved friends, was born ...


Firm faith (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Don’t allow the seeds of doubt or disbelief to enter your soul. It will be bad for you, if at the time of prayer, your heart is hovering between faith and disbelief, if your faith isn’t firm. Don’t expect the Lord to grant you what you ask if your faith isn’t firm. » Saint John of Kronstadt


The Joy of the Salutations (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The mourning atmosphere of Great Lent is unquestionably lightened by the service of the Salutations. These ‘Hails’ which we address to the ‘Birth-Giver and Mother of the Light’, in gratitude for her great loving-kindness towards us, are returned to us by her. In a mystical way, she responds to our greeting. It seems that there’s something very special and necessary happening in our life, when the churches are full every Friday evening in Lent. Of course, there’s the honour we pay to her, who became the bridge who brought God to dwell among us, but she’s also our own bridge, raising ‘those on earth to the heavens’. This is a personal relationship, full of gratitude and generous love for her presence in ...


Miracles of Saint Diomidis (2) (Saint Neofytos Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Second miracle At some point, late at night, Saint Diomidis appeared to the iconographer and said to him: ‘Look, painter, at the man you say you don’t know and, once you’ve been convinced by the monk who’s entreating you, record in colours him whom you see’. Having said this, he disappeared. The painter leapt out of bed, utterly astonished at the manifestation of the saint. He sought forgiveness from the saint for his earlier refusal and began confidently to paint him. With great skill, he painted an icon of the saint as he’d seen him and placed it in a space among many others. Afterwards, the same monk returned and begged him, as before, for an icon. The iconographer said: ‘Go ...


Saint Gregory Palamas and the Hesychasts (2nd Sunday in Lent) (Pavlos Mouktaroudis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The second Sunday in Lent is devoted to Saint Gregory Palamas (14th century), a hesychast from the Holy Mountain and later Archbishop of Thessaloniki. Saint Gregory Palamas defended the hesychasts of the Holy Mountain who were being mocked and attacked by the person who expressed the spirit of the Western Church, the monk Barlaam, from Calabria in Southern Italy. When Saint Gregory defended these monks, he set out the Orthodox faith regarding God, the way we can approach Him and what it is that constitutes the salvation of humankind. If the faith is altered, every in the slightest way, then our life ‘in  Christ’ is modified and the salvation of humankind is aborted. The West Among those who altered the true faith of ...


Temptations toughen us up (Elder Cleopa of Romania)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Temptations teach us the experience of spiritual warfare, they toughen us up in life and help us progress spiritually. They also humble us and show us our weakness and incapacity when we’re alone, without divine assistance. They also reinforce our patience, prayer, tears, humility and faith. » Elder Cleopa Ilie


Hieromonk Neofytos Vatopaidinos (1876-3 April 1967) (Archimandrite Gabriel Dionysiates)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Angelos Theoharoudis, the son of Dimitrios and Anastasia, was born in 1876 in Gomati, Halkidiki. In 1892, he entered the beautiful, old Kelli of the Great Martyr Prokopios, belonging to the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, where the saint’s hand is kept. He was tonsured in 1899 by Elder Neofytos I. In 1907 he was ordained deacon and in 1909 he became a priest. He was a wonderful, discerning and well-known Spiritual Father. He was often called out into Halkidiki to confess the faithful. People flocked to him for confession as to no other Spiritual Father. Elder Gavriil, of the Holy Monastery of Dionysiou writes in his splendid Lavsaïko: ‘Outstanding as an Elder was the kindly and devout Spiritual Father, ...
