
In English

Declaration of Independence (Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In 1919, after the end of World War I, the cream of the intellectuals of that age (including Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Stefan Zweig and many others) added their names to a declaration called the ‘Declaration of the Independence of the Spirit’*. Among other things it says: ‘Most of the intellectuals placed their science, their art, their reason, at the service of the governments…They have worked to destroy mutual understanding and mutual love among men… Now… the victors and the vanquished emerge equally stricken, impoverished, and at the bottom of their hearts (though they will not admit it) utterly ashamed of their access of mania. Arise! Let us free the Spirit from these compromises, from these unworthy alliances, from these veiled slaveries! ...
