
In English

The Passion of Hypocrisy (Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Hypocrite, doesn’t each one of you loose his ox on the Sabbath?’ On a number of occasions, the religious leaders of Israel condemned Jesus for breaking the Sabbath commandment by performing miracles on that day. ‘And for this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus and wanted to kill him: because he did these things on the Sabbath’ (John 5, 6). They had fallen into the delusion of apparently observing the commandments rigorously, or, as one commentator puts it ‘they pretended to be devoted to God’. The most likely explanation is the second version, since Christ’s enemies were consumed with envy of Him. In today’s Gospel reading, we see Christ in a synagogue, on a Sabbath, healing an infirm woman, and the leader ...


The skeleton key (Dimitrios Panagopoulos, preacher)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Prayer is a spiritual weapon by means of which we solve all our problems. Prayer is the skeleton key for all the locks in the world, all the difficulties of our life. Through their prayers, people who rightly believe bring heaven down to earth and God Himself is at their disposal. Prayer’s the oxygen of the soul and people who don’t pray are consumptive spiritually and, to all intents and purposes, dead.
