
In English

The Achievement of Faith (11th Sunday of Luke- of the Forefathers) [2] (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Now we proceed with the same faith, which is no longer abstract, however, because the promises have come, the fullness of time has arrived, the incarnation of the Word of God has occurred and the ‘angel of great counsel’ has appeared (Is. 9, 6). Our faith is focused, because the Only-Begotten Son of God has come. We’ve seen Him, we’ve touched Him, we’ve heard Him and we already possess Him. Now, with us, faith is something more. It’s no longer the simple faith of the Forefathers, who expected that, in accordance with His promise, God would come at some time and would save their descendants and the whole of humankind in general. We’ve gone beyond the limits of this introductory ...


Confession (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Confession is the voluntary and sincere disclosure of the sins that have been committed – without shame or hesitation, but with self-censure and contrition – before the person appointed by the Church to forgive sins. For it to be real and effective, it must be voluntary and sincere, because hasty and insincere confession is pointless, since it’s not a genuine dictate of the heart, an expression of remorse and a manifestation of the desire to be cured. Confession has to take place without shame and hesitation, but rather with courage and self-condemnation, because courage is an expression of our rejection of sin, whereas shame demonstrates a lack of courage. » Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis


Why did Christianity Triumph? (3) (Theodoros Ziakas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Theory of Decline/Anxiety If force is excluded , there remains the notion of decline/anxiety. This theory is that, in the first three centuries A.D., the Greco-Roman world fell into a terrible decline. No longer believing in itself and its values, it was ripe for salvation by any lifeline that came its way. Christianity appeared at just such a moment, as a deus ex machina. So it couldn’t be avoided. Demonstrably. The dominant Modernist approach to the Christian phenomenon is based on this very simple idea. It can be followed, step by step, in Professor E. R. Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine), The Wiles Lectures 1963, reprinted CUP ...


Children and Grace (Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Even little children are able to sense the Grace of the Holy Spirit. This is why we notice in some saints that when they were children they didn’t much care for games, as their contemporaries did. Rather, they stood out through their introversion and seriousness, something of the outlook of an Elder. This was the case in the life of Saint Athanasios the Athonite, and also in that of Elder Sophrony, who fell asleep in the Lord in 1993. When he was still in his infancy he was visited by the divine light, uncreated and immaterial. » Abbot Ephraim of Vatopedi


Love Never Fails (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It can be readily understood that, when we get to know a person and our hearts combine, we are enthused at this and overjoyed. It’s the practical implementation of our reason for being, which consists in the image with which God has endowed us. This means that we can unite among ourselves in the same manner as the Triune God, Who is a communion of Persons, which is why ‘He is love’. On the other hand, when hearts grow cold and there’s no communication, we experience sadness and there’s no enthusiasm. And yet there is another phenomenon which is far from unusual: no matter how taken we are with another person, a close relationship them, including a great deal of communication ...


The Achievement of Faith (11th Sunday of Luke- of the Forefathers) (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The dismissal hymn for the feast of the Holy Forefathers, says: ‘You justified the forefathers in faith, and through them betrothed Yourself, in advance, to the Church taken from out of the Gentiles’. These words, if you look at them carefully, are full of profound meaning. The Forefathers were justified, as being the foundation of the Church and as making manifest the cause of the relationship between God and us. Who were the forefathers of God? Pagans, of course. Everybody was pagan then. After the fall, people lost their way and followed their own path. From these, God chose a few and called upon them to believe in Him and to follow Him. And they were convinced. Through faith they ...
