
In English

Setting fire to dry grass (Saint Theodoros of Edessa)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those who are conquered by desires and pleasures and spend their lives dwelling ‘in the world’ will quickly fall into the snares of sin. And when sin’s happened once, it’s fire to dry grass, a stone rolling down a hill, a ravine making the torrents flow faster And it prepares the perdition of the sinner in all ways possible.


The Manifestation of God’s Infinite Love (Archimandrite Georgios Kapsanis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christmas, which by God’s Grace we’re celebrating again this year, gives us the opportunity to delve deeper into the mystery of God’s love. His gifts to us are manifold and priceless. The greatest of them, however, is the incarnation of His Only-Begotten Son, without which we would still be hopeless prisoners of the devil and of death. Saint Gregory Palamas says: ‘What depth of riches, wisdom and divine love for humankind! In this way, God, in His wisdom, power and love for us, experiences at first hand the repercussions of our willful misconduct and shapes them into something incomparably better. Because, if the Son of God hadn’t descended from heaven, we would have had no hope of ever ascending to heaven. ...
