
In English

My apocalypse

Κατηγορίες: In English

Generally speaking, by “apocalypse” (ἀποκάλυψις) the people understand “revelation” or, more literally, “uncovering”. The term is tied, mainly, with Saint...


First they sow, then they reap (Abba Kassianos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We should be aware that each demon deals with a particular passion, which it plants first in the heart and then cultivates. Some demons are concerned with the passion of debauchery, others with that of blasphemy. Others incite anger and wrath. Others plunge people into sorrow and yet others produce vainglory and pride. Each of them strives to make a prisoner of our heart through the passion which attracts us most. They don’t pour out their poisons all together, but each one separately and in relation to how much, where and how the disposition and defenses of person concerned allows them to. For example, somebody doesn’t suddenly burst into stupid and lewd laughter if, at the same time, they’re being ...


The Heart and God (Saint Theophan the Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

God is everywhere. And when He finds a heart that isn’t opposed to Him, a humble heart, He enters it and fills it with joy. The joy of the heart which has God within it is so great that it attaches itself to Him and never wants to separate from Him. The Lord doesn’t approach a heart puffed up with egotism. Such a heart is deeply sad, shrivels and slowly dissolves. It wallows in ignorance, sorrow and darkness. No matter how sinful we are, as soon as we turn to the Lord in repentance and desire, the door of the heart opens to Him. Our inner uncleanness drains out and makes way for purity, virtue, the Savior Himself, the great Visitor ...
