
In English

The Unique Value of Every Life (Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There are some things that require no explanations, no analyses and no arguments; the truth is so blindingly obvious that only expediency and guilty feelings would be reasons for seeing them otherwise. What is under discussion here is the deliberate termination of pregnancy, and it really does seem astonishing that there are people, some of them ‘prominent’, who flaunt the fact that they’ve had an abortion. It’s certain, however, that if the same people saw a small child, an infant, being abused, they’d be the first to condemn the perpetrators and, in terms of human law, they’d be right to do so. A child, a human person, has unique worth from the moment of its conception. From when it begins to ...


Sacredness and Political Correctness (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘… and how from infancy you have known the sacred letters, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus’. One of the most beautiful phrases used by Saint Paul for the word of God is the ‘sacred letters’. The notion of the sacred is out-of-date in these times. It’s associated with the absolute, the metaphysical, with something that has the character of authority. It’s a person, an idea, a value, a way which cannot be questioned and demands absolute respect. The persons of religion are sacred. The symbols and rituals of religion are sacred. Sacred, too, are those who sacrifice their life and existence for the good of others. There is a measure of the ...
