
In English

Some Thoughts on the Triodio (Archimandrite Theodosios Martzoukhos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

(Folk Song) (or… as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats) (The Gospel) Many people, in the past as well as today, deny any metaphysical version of our life in a state of Paradise (perfect well-being) or hell (the torment of utter, permanent solitude) and laugh at the folk-art engravings which depict hell as a ‘locus’ of fire and bodily torments and Paradise as a ‘garden’ with a freshly-mown lawn and lots of flowers where idle morons, full of the virtues, stroll about. They claim that such things don’t exist and that therefore ‘here is Paradise and hell’s here, too’. But let’s look at the song in detail In chapter 25 of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, Christ describes our relationship to God ...


Saint Kyriakos of Evrykhou

Κατηγορίες: In English

In Larnaka, the son of a teacher had cancer of the brain. One night he had a dream about a venerable elder who said to him: ‘What’s up son? Why are you suffering and in pain?’ The boy replied: ‘It’s my head’. The elderly man then said to him: ‘Come to my house and I’ll cure you’ ‘Where do you live?’ The saint said: ‘My house is in Evrykhou and my name’s Kyriakos’. When he woke, the boy told his father and they set off together for Evrykhou. When they got there, they asked if there was a Saint Kyriakos and, when they found out that his church was a little way outside the village, to the north, they took the village priest with them and ...


The Mother of God to a Christian (Saint Maximos the Greek)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Your frequent Salutations will be pleasing to me when you abstain from hatred, lies, and the theft of foreign property. And as long as you oppress the poor, grieving them with intolerable taxation and interest rates, you are in no way different from the pagans and those who killed Christ, even if you do boast in your baptism. I won’t listen to you, no matter if you sing countless canons and hymns in a beautiful, strong voice.


Triodio, the Effort to Rescue the Human Person (Protopresbyter Antonios Christou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Dear readers, it’s true that this year we were going to try to avoid referring to the time of the Triodio, because we’ve done so at length in the past, in some of our older articles, and it’s not good, it’s tedious, to return to the same subject so many times. Despite our efforts, however, even this year we can’t avoid mention of the period of the Triodio because, quite simply, no matter how much we draw out from this blessed and prayerful time in the life of our Church, it’s almost inexhaustible and there’s always something new for us to discover and work on. It’s in this the light and in this context that we’re beginning this year’s article on the ...
