
In English

‘Progressives’ (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Some ‘progressive’ people see the Church as their enemy. But is there any person who has greater love and wants our happiness more than the Church does, more than God Himself does? The Church suffers with the soul and body of every Christian and takes care of everything proper to our nature and our good.


An Orthodox English Saint (W. J. Lillie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Pall Mall Gazette. 24 July 1885. p. 6. Great interest has, it is said, been caused at Folkestone and the neighborhood by the discovery in the parish church of what are believed to be the remains of St. Eanswith, patron saint of the church and the daughter of Eadbald, one of the Saxon Kings of Kent. Some workmen, in removing the plaster from a niche in the north wall, noticed that the masonry showed signs of having been disturbed at some period, and a further search was made. Taking away a layer of rubble and broken tiles a cavity was discovered and in this a battered and corroded leaden casket, oval shaped, about eighteen inches long and twelve inches broad, ...


Pre-requisites of Orthodoxy (Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today’s Gospel certainly has nothing to say to those who embrace the modern ‘gospels’ of self-salvation, which derive from the demonic ‘gospel of the serpent’: ‘You can become gods without God’. The words of the reading will be heard with even greater indifference by those who espouse the lyrics of a modern Greek song: ‘Let me make a mistake; I don’t feel like being saved’. Self-centered, smug people strive to feel secure about themselves in artificial ways. In the end, they wind up telling lies not only to other people but also to themselves, in an effort to persuade all and sundry that they have no need of any savior. Do you want to be saved? Philip not only wanted to be ...


It’s genuine and true (Elder Filotheos Zervakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The attribute of true repentance is profound awareness, contrition, and sorrow in the heart which mourns not because it will go to hell but because it has saddened and angered through sin such a kindly and affectionate God and Father. It’s sighing, compunction, prayers, fasts, vigils, and tears. This repentance is genuine, true and beneficial.


Repent now, before Death (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Repent before death closes the door of your life and opens the door of the Judgment. Repent before death, and, because you don’t know the time of your death, repent today, this instant and don’t repeat your sin. In one of his prayers, Saint Efraim the Syrian says: Before the wheel of time stops turning in my life, have mercy upon me. Before the wind of death blows and sickness, death’s herald, makes its appearance in my body, have mercy upon me. Before the majestic sun in the heavens becomes darkness for me, have mercy upon me; and may Your light shine on me from above and drive out the gloomy darkness from my mind. Before the earth returns to the earth and decays, before ...
