
In English

Not quickly or easily (Saint Macarius of Egypt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Nobody can reach spiritual heights all at once or easily. There are years of effort and struggle, trials and all sorts of temptations before the passions cease to trouble you. In this way, if you’ve been tested with pain and labor, if you’ve bravely borne all the temptations caused by wickedness, you’ll be found worthy of receiving all the great honors and gifts of the Holy Spirit and divine riches. You’ll inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Each of us gains the salvation of his or her soul by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, but we also have to contribute our own efforts.


The Two Paths to Deification (Georgios Koios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For Christians there are two paths which lead to union with God, deification. One is monasticism. This is the difficult path. That of virginity, a pure life, perfect submission to His will. A life of humility, fasting, prayer and love for all the world, unlimited trust in the Lord, obedience to a spiritual father or mother. Monasticism is difficult. It’s a gift. This is why the Lord Himself says: ‘Let those who can accept this, do so’. (Matth. 19, 12). In this case, the attraction of this love is expressed through absolute dedication to God and exhausting love for every other person. In no way does it make Christians loveless, but rather reveals the extent of the supreme love, that of ...


‘As You are merciful, Christ, I beg you..’

Κατηγορίες: In English

As You are merciful, Christ, I beg you,through true fasting and repentance give life to me whose soul is slain by the fruit of our transgression. Grant that I may ever walk in the straight and pleasant paths of Your holy commandments and Your divine glory, and may be able to praise Your goodness in all things, Jesus, together with those who desire You. (Kathisma, Matins)
