
In English

The Liturgical Context of the Veneration of the Cross (Georgios Zaravelas, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the 3rd Sunday of Lent, and, indeed, throughout 4th week, a time within the reverential climate of the fast which is so beneficial to the soul, the Church displays the Precious Cross of the Lord, for the support of the faithful. The appointment of the veneration of the Cross on that day, the mid-point of the fast, was also made for another, practical reason. The commemoration of the finding of the Precious Cross by Saint Helen is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on 6 March, as is clear from the corresponding date in the Feasts of the Month. That day, 6 March, almost always fall in Lent. Given that the atmosphere of those days is one of mourning, and that, ...


We’re sustained by it (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For us Christians who are enlightened and illumined in Christ everything in this world has meaning and value insofar as it constitutes a means and path to eternity. Because we see what isn’t apparent and gaze on the invisible. We order the whole of our life in time on the basis of what’s eternal and measure what’s human by Him Who is God and human. As long as there’s something eternal within the bounds of the temporal, we’re sustained by it. But when it’s absent, we seek it in the realm of the infinite and invisible. We look at everything through the prism of eternity. That is through the prism of Christ, since He is the eternal God and Lord.
