
In English

Stewards of the goods (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Almsgiving is a well-intentioned act. It’s an internal voice coming from a pure heart which loves its neighbor. It’s only right that we should give what, in essence, we owe to those in need. Because those who are rich with what they’ve received from God, are, at the same time, stewards and managers of the goods which have been given to them in abundance. » Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis


The Annunciation (Luke 1, 26-33) (Archimandrite Vasileios Bakoyannis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

About six months had passed from the time when Mary had gone to live in Nazareth, in the home of Joseph. It appears that, during this time, the veil of the temple had become worn and needed renewing. This most sacred of objects could not be made by unclean hands. It had to come from hands that were spotless and pure. The High Priest Zechariah ordered the spotless virgins of the house of David to be brought. He also gave a separate command: that the Virgin Mary was to be brought from Nazareth. Seven virgins were brought together. Lots were cast. And the lot fell upon Mary. Mary was given the necessary materials: gold, asbestos, linen, silk, hyacinth, red and purple dyes ...


Great gain (Saint Cyprian of Carthage)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You’ll profit greatly by humble prayer, by blessed contrition, which instantly reopens the gates of divine mercy. Send your warm tears and the sighs of your heart as intercessors, and in this way show your sadness and shame over your grievous faults.
