
In English

Homily on St Thomas the Apostle (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today we commemorate St. Thomas the Apostle’s declaration of faith in the Risen Christ as his Lord and God (see John 20:28). It is the 8th day after Pascha, and is called “Thomas Sunday” in memory of this event. From what we know in the Gospels, St. Thomas was a fisherman. There is a particular mention of him fishing in the Sea of Galilee (also called Tiberias) (see John 21:2-3). No doubt the Lord also called St. Thomas from the water to follow Him, as He did with Sts. Peter, John and the others. St. Thomas greatly loved Christ, and was devoted to Him. When the Lord announced to His Disciples that Lazarus had died, and that He had to ...


The only unerring star (Saint Maximos the Greek)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You should know that the only unerring star that leads you to practice the holy virtues is fear, divine and always pure, through which each one of us is removed far from evil. Always steer strictly by it as you sail straight for the heavenly, sheltered haven. And know also that practical observation of the divine commandments will be acceptable through fear of the Lord. » Saint Maximus the Greek


Thomas Sunday (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the Gospel, it states that the disciples ‘were assembled for fear of the Jews’. One could envisage that fear was not the only motivation that gathered them together. Perhaps they would have been less vulnerable if they had remained dispersed. Probably they gathered together because their hearts all burned with the same love for the Teacher, which acted as a catalyst of unity. They had become witnesses of the death of the Lord, but their love for Him kept Him alive within them. The Lord heard the sighs of this fearful love and He fastened His love to them. He revealed himself to them and gave them His peace. We can see in each of the Lord’s appearances after the ...


Father Isaak had a Snake for Company!

Κατηγορίες: In English

This story was told by Archimandrite Gavriil (1886-1983), former Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Dionysiou. Back in the late 1970s, early ’80s, I was making a visit to the Holy Mountain, which is easy from Thessaloniki, where we live. In those days, the ship’s first stop was the boat-house of Zograf, the Bulgarian monastery. When we got there, a venerable monk came on board accompanied by three or four younger ones. Everyone on the boat- captain, crew, passengers- stopped what they were doing and stood up. Naturally I did the same, without knowing why. When we settled down again, I asked someone who it was and he said ‘Elder Gavriil, from Dionysiou’. Apart from the obvious respect in which ...
