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2nd e-Meeting with Elder Ephraim and Romanian Faithful, with the Blessings of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Κατηγορίες: In English

2nd e-Meeting with Elder Ephraim and Romanian Faithful, with the Blessings of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Tue. 16 Feb 2021 – 19:30 PM Athens EET   Theme – LOVE NEVER ENDS – Elder Efrem in dialogue with Romanian teenagers and young couples! Dear friends, You are invited to participate in the “2nd e-Meeting with Elder Ephraim and Romanian Faithful“, organized by the web magazine PEMPTOUSIA with the Blessings of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania. The e-Meeting will take place Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021, at 07:30 PM Athens EET. Elder Ephraim will speak in Greek and we will offer real-time Romanian and English Interpretation for the entire session, including the homily as well as the questions & answers. Please register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the following ...


With attention and readiness (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

While we’re in church, our behavior should be appropriate, befitting those who are standing before God. We shouldn’t get involved in pointless discussions, but should rather stand with fear and trembling, with attention and readiness, with our gaze trained on the earth and our soul raised to the heavens. Saint John Chrysostom


Orthodoxy and the Modern World (2) (John Zizioulas, Metropolitan of Pergamon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

2. Western culture as the center of the modern world The world today is dominated by Western culture. There are, of course, other cultures but none of them defines people’s lives so definitively as does the culture of the West. Its achievements in the realms of the sciences, technology and so on have made it a global, political and economic power and have a made it a ‘model’ to which all the peoples of the world are drawn. This culture is also the main historical context in which Orthodoxy functions today. If Greece is considered the most unmitigatedly Orthodox sphere in our day and age, it is clear that Orthodoxy has no more immediate culture to take on confrontthan that which ...


“Now You are letting Your Servant Depart in Peace” (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the righteous Symeon held the Holy Infant in his arms at the Temple of Jerusalem, he prostrated his soul before Almighty God, glorifying the majesty of His Divinity with these words: “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation …” In the previous Homily, we began our examination of the Song (Praise) of Symeon by highlighting two major themes that can be found in the text. We continue now with a third, which is the desire to peacefully end our earthly journey, allowing our souls to enter the heavenly kingdom. The honorable Symeon was deemed worthy to see Christ the Savior, and as a result he felt that his work in ...
