
In English

1st Digital Meeting with Archimandrite Zacharias

Κατηγορίες: In English

We would like to inform you that The Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex and Pemptousia are organizing their   “1st Digital Meeting with Archimandrite Zacharias” Thursday 24 June 2021 at 16:00 (UK time) Talk and discussion on: The Christian as an Image of Pentecost You may follow the talk live on these links: English Interpretation via Facebook Live Video https://fb.me/e/JXXG9Y45 Romanian Interpretation via Facebook Live Video https://fb.me/e/HS14IXk2


They confirm it (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Given that we are images of God, we long for God and run to him willingly in order to be lifted up by him. We delight in prayer and hymn-singing. Our spirit rejoices and our heart leaps. The more we pray, the more our soul is stripped of our secular desires and is filled with the good things of heaven. The more it’s separated from earthly things and the pleasures of life, the more it enjoys the gladness of heaven. Our understanding and experience confirm this for us. Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis


It’s not enough just to defeat evil (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘People beyond the passions are revolted with excessive hatred by evil; those who have progressed even further beyond the passions are voracious for the riches of the virtues’ (Saint John of the Ladder) These days we’ve identified wickedness only with whatever conflicts with secular laws. Anything that hursts another person or creates bodily or spiritual wounds to ourselves is wicked only insofar as it contravenes another person’s right to life, liberty and property. Other than that, there’s great tolerance, with the result that we treat evil as a relative category. Good is seen as being self-evident and is not generally acknowledged. News is only what’s deviant, what provokes fear. News is the satisfaction of the desires of famous people. News is ...


It’s not reciprocation (Saint Mark the Ascetic)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When you hear that Scripture tells you that ‘he will render to all in accordance with their works’, don’t think of works worthy of hell or the kingdom of heaven, but rather of works of belief or unbelief in him. Christ will pay each of us for these, not as if he were carrying out a commercial transaction, but as God the creator, who purchased us with his blood. Saint Mark Ascetic


No connection (Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Hesychasm leads to the opening of the heart, an opening towards communion with God and our neighbor. Isolation or sealing yourself off within yourself has no connection to hesychasm. Isolation without the ascetic practices of hesychasm detracts from the sacramental life of the Church and may act more for our condemnation than salvation. Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos


A Housewife Teaches Chrysostom to Preach (Ilias Voulgarakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint John Chrysostom is almost the only Father of the Church about whom his contemporaries and later generations wrote a significant number of biographies. So far, we have more than eight (Byzantine) biographies. Some of these represent a kind of reworking of an earlier version, though not, of course, slavish imitation of the original. In these texts, we occasionally come across information which is entirely new and sometimes significant. How far this information is trustworthy is something which research will determine. It may well be that some of this information will never be confirmed. Apart from anything else, there’s a suspicion that some of it was included by the biographer principally in order to make a good point. When describing ...


Holy Spirit as a person of the Holy Trinity

Κατηγορίες: In English

“Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped” According to the Patristic Theology, the Ascension of Christ is inherently connected to the descent of the Holy Spirit. Evidently, the Comforter’s coming is an essential continuation of Christ’s work on earth, as a part of His divine plan for the salvation of humanitymn. By taking the human nature, Christ does not just complete the divine plan of His Father, but also continues to act and to attract the unique human hypostases where He entered as a Forerunner. Read more


The Orthodox Church as Continuous Pentecost (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Who is Jesus Christ, who is both God and human? What in him is God and what is human? How do we recognize the God in him and the human? What did God grant us in the person of Jesus? All of this is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, the ‘Spirit of Truth’. In other words, he reveals the truth about Jesus, about the God in him and the human being and about what he bestowed upon us. And this infinitely surpasses what our eyes have seen, our ears have heard and our hearts have ever felt. Through his incarnate life on earth, Jesus established his theanthropic body, the Church, and, through this, prepares the world for the advent, ...


The Fear of Pentecost (Archimandrite Eleftherios Balakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘…each one heard their own language being spoken’ (Acts 2, 6). As a result of this event, some 3,000 people believed and were baptized. The grace of the Holy Spirit made the word of God comprehensible and accessible to the souls of the believers and bore immediate, abundant fruit. Today we celebrate Pentecost, we sing beautiful hymns, full of meaning at the Kneeling Service at Vespers, we preach wonderful sermons about the Holy Spirit, but we also fear the Holy Spirit. Yes, that’s right. We fear him. Because the Holy Spirit has the potential to transform a religious body into the living Church of Jesus Christ. I wonder at those people who insist that the faithful shouldn’t understand what’s said in Church.  ...


Walk in the paths (Saint Gregory the Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Always bear the Lord your God in mind. Fear only him. Forget neither him nor his commandments.  He will then give you the strength to do his will. Because he asks nothing else of you but that you be devoted to him, love him and walk in the paths of all his commandments. Saint Gregory the Theologian


Ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος (Anthony Bloom Metropolitan of Sourozh (1914- 2003))

Κατηγορίες: Christianity, In English, Άγιοι - Πατέρες - Γέροντες, Ξένες γλώσσες, Ορθοδοξία και Ορθοπραξία

Σήμερα γιορτάζουμε τὴν ἡμέρα τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος. Τί γνωρίζουμε γι’ αὐτό; Ἀκούσαμε ὑπέροχες προσευχές χθὲς τήν Κυριακὴ τῆς Πεντηκοστῆς, ἀλλὰ...


But it’s not like that (Dimitrios Panagopoulos, preacher)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In our prayers, we often ask God, Our Lady or the Saints for something and when we don’t receive it we think God’s being indifferent towards us. But that’s not the way things really are, because there are instances when          the Lord doesn’t give us what we ask for, in order to save us from some greater harm. Dimitrios Panagopoulos


Sunday of Pentecost (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

After fifty days from our Lord’s glorious Resurrection our Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Pentecost.  This feast day is very important for all mankind, because it is the birthday of our Church.  It is the day on which the Church, the Body of Christ, begins to function as the living organization in which one finds salvation.  It is the day, on which Christ’s promise, that He will send the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity, is fulfilled.  It is the day, when the Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire and entered into the hearts of the Holy Apostles and the rest of the disciples opening their mind of understanding.  It is the day, when God called all mankind to ...


The Path towards Pentecost and the Last Times (Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The season after Easter is called ‘Pentikostario’. After the victory over death which was ushered in by Christ’s Resurrection, we go on to the great feast of Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit onto Christ’s disciples and, through them, onto all of us. This ‘descent’ had been foretold by Christ while he was yet on earth. The feast developed over time. Initially, it was agricultural; later it ‘commemorated’ the historical event of the Testament; then it finally became the feast of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which inaugurated the new Testament on earth. Along with the Passover and Tabernacles, it was the third great feast of the Jews, at which every believer was obliged ...


You don’t win the crown (Elder Cleopa Ilie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You’re a wayfarer, my brother. Be careful not to go astray. Don’t go off to the left or the right. Always tread the royal road. You’re a spiritual athlete. Mind yourself, in case you break the rules, because nobody gains the crown of victory unless they compete in accordance with them. Elder Cleopa


The whole secret is ardent love for Christ (Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Those who love a little, give little; those who love a lot, give more; and those who love a great deal, what can they give? They give themselves’. Christ and joy Christ wants to spread joy and is pleased by doing so, by enriching his faithful with joy. He wishes ‘that your joy may be complete’. This is our religion. This is where we should go. Christ is our Paradise. What’s Paradise? It’s Christ. Paradise starts from here. It’s exactly the same. Those who experience Christ here on earth, experience Paradise. It’s just as I’m telling you. This is right, it’s true, believe me. Our task is to try and find a way to enter the light of Christ, not merely to ...


They’ve seen the mire (Saint Dimitri of Rostov)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those who truly know themselves have made a start at acquiring humility, because they’ve seen the extent of their weakness and also the cesspit which is hidden within their soul. ‘Broken and contrite’ and in despair over themselves, they’ve then turned to God, ceaselessly begging his mercy. Saint Dimitri of Rostov
