
In English

Death is vanquished through the mortification of the passions (3rd Sunday of Luke) (Pavlos Mouktaroudis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

From the moment when our first ancestors ‘inclined their ears’, paid attention, to the proposition of the devil that they set aside God’s commandment and eat the fruit which wasn’t blessed for their consumption, they suffered death. Their decision to eat that fruit resulted in the severance of their relationship with God and the acceptance of death. Just as the separation of the soul from the body means the death of the body, so the separation of the soul from God is the death of the soul. For the soul, life was its relationship with God. In order for this relationship to exist, God wanted us to share in his own life, which is why he endowed us with his ...


Don’t take pleasure in profit (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Surrender willingly and completely to the providence and will of God. Don’t be sad if you lose some material thing or any visible object in general. Don’t rejoice in profit. Your sole joy should be in gaining the Lord himself, because when we lack faith in his providence many ills befall us. Saint John Kronstadtskij


Self-Justification (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Justifying ourselves, following our own opinion and satisfying our own will are the progeny of ungodly pride’ (Abba Dorotheos). When we’re accused of something, our first reaction  is to defend ourselves. To explain why it’s not like that, even if it is. And that doesn’t apply only to the youngest any more. Grown-ups are lacking in backbone in that, even if the reality is clear, we still try to justify ourselves. ‘I’m human, what can I do?’; ‘I’m at fault but…’; ‘Circumstances are to blame’. Particularly nowadays, when the antidote is to interpret everything, with the emphasis on the psychological method, which is that in order to feel better I have to examine why something’s happened to me and how I ...


It loves him above all (Saint Silouan the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Lord loves people and appears to them as he deems fit. When a soul sees the Lord, it humbly rejoices over the Master’s loving-kindness and is incapable of loving anything else as much as it loves its Creator. Even if it sees all things and loves all people, it will still love the Lord above everything else. Saint Silouan the Athonite


The Peace of God is a Great Treasure (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When we have the peace of God within us and the soul is convinced that God is indeed our Father, who governs creation, and that we are children of this Almighty God, who sustains creation, we’re in no danger and need not fear anything. When we’re at peace with God, we’re also at peace with other people. We cease to see others as our enemies, but, instead, see them as our God: ‘If you’ve seen your brother or sister, you’ve seen the Lord your God’. For people of God, each person is ‘very good’, as God the Creator made them. The heart of the people of God cannot speak evil, since evil doesn’t exist for them. Of course, they aren’t ...


Idolatry (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, to know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. My children, keep yourselves away from idols. Amen’. (1 Jn. 5, 20-21) This verse, 20, encapsulates the whole of the Gospel of the holy Theologian and the whole of his theology: ‘the Son of God has come and has given us understanding’, so that we can recognize him as the true God. And he gave us the power to become his own and to dwell in him. So that we’re within him with our whole being, within the true God, ...


Bearing within Us the Dying of the Lord Jesus (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today’s Epistle reading preaches with assurance the paradoxical and antinomical truth that in the life of the disciples of Christ, sorrow and joy, death and life depend on each other and alternate, as long as there is faith in God and surrendering to the love of Jesus Christ. Before the fall there was no pain nor sorrow. After the fall, however, man was deprived of the life-bearing relationship he had with the all-holy God, and the poison of death entered his life. Death was not created by God, but was the result of man’s self-will and God’s justice. It was the just retribution for disobedience to the divine will, but also the means to put an end to evil. In ...


Understanding of the Divine Liturgy is necessary (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The greatest and most blessed event in the history of mankind was the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth for His salvific work. Many of us may envy the people who lived at that time in Galilee and Judea, because they were privileged to see our Lord Jesus Christ-God Himself, with their own eyes. They witnessed the sick being healed of incurable diseases, and men being freed from demonic forces. It truly would have been wonderful to be alive in those times, being able to see Christ ourselves! Let us reflect more deeply on this question: Did the Son of God come down from Heaven only for the benefit of those who were alive in Palestine at the time, ...


In the Likeness of God (Luke 6, 31-36) (Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Therefore become merciful, as your Father is merciful’. If we read the literature of the ancient Greek sages and, indeed, that of wise people from all over the world, we see that, in their efforts to define what is just, proper, legitimate and good, they have written screeds, and have constructed long-winded dialogues and tracts. They have, on occasion, succeeded in saying and writing important things, though they’ve also, often enough, managed to confuse people thoroughly. Instead of enlightening people, much of what the sages wrote cast them further into the darkness. On the other hand, when the most holy Word of God came to earth and assumed our flesh, he brought back to the surface the innate law of human beings, ...


Passing the Apostolic Torch (2 Cor. 4, 6-15) (Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The most prominent ‘torchbearer’ in the Church, Saint Paul the Apostle, lit his torch from the uncreated light of Christ, though he lost his bodily sight: ‘he who is to illumine the world is darkened’, says one of the hymns from his feast-day. God the giver of light ‘in the person of Jesus Christ’, ‘imprisoned’ Paul outside Damascus and ‘shone in his heart to illumine the knowledge of his glory’. The newly-enlightened Paul also lost the Pharisaical self-assurance that, through his own ‘virtues’, he’d be able to keep burning the torch which Christ had lit. He now realized that he was no more than an ‘earthen vessel’, who certainly contained within himself a priceless treasure, but also continued to be ...


Flee (Saint Gregory the Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Don’t castigate yourself for being in the depths of wickedness. It’s an opportunity for fortitude, a time of long-suffering, a time to heal, a time to put things right. You’ve slipped; get up. You’ve sinned; be calm. Don’t stand on the path of sinners, but get out of there. Because when you flee and mourn, then you’ll be saved. As health comes from hard work, so salvation comes from perspiration. Saint Gregory the Theologian


It harms everyone (Saint Joseph the Hesychast)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Negligence is like a drought that doesn’t let anything grow. Vainglory affects those who’ve borne some fruit, who’ve made some progress, but negligence harms everybody. It hinders those who want to make a start and stops those who’ve made some progress. It doesn’t allow the ignorant to learn and it prevents the return of those who’ve gone astray. It doesn’t let people who’ve fallen to get up and, in general is a total disaster for all those who are in thrall to it. Saint Iosif the Hesychast  


Able to taste (Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

All God’s promises are an inexpressible gift from him to us. But only those people who work in tandem with God, who identify their will with that of God, who transcend all pettiness, selfishness and the passions that attract us to this world of wickedness, who show the bravery necessary to succeed in the invisible warfare, only these are able to taste the ineffable blessings and gifts of God. Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos


Who says God exists? (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

(From a letter to a school-teacher and her mother). Both you and your elderly mother are interested in the Orthodox faith. Since you began to fulfil the commandments of fasting, prayer, charity and communion, the secrets of the truth have become ever more apparent to you. And this, indeed, is the proper path: by practicing what we know, we arrive at the unknown. Silent prayer over long years reveals the truth. But your heart is burning with the desire to direct many others onto the path of truth. People are people, however: in one, the mind is darkened by lies; in another, the heart is hardened by the passions; and what you desire won’t come easily. It requires much cleansing, many washings ...


No-one has found prayer without attention and vigilance (Saint Joseph the Hesychast)

Κατηγορίες: In English

So make haste. Say the prayer all the time. Don’t let your mouth stop at all. In this way you’ll become accustomed to it internally and then it’ll be taken up by the mind. Don’t be put off by negative thoughts, because then you’ll become feeble and besmirched. ‘Force continuous prayer, against nature’, and see what grace you’ll receive. Our life is sorrow, son, because we’re living in exile. Don’t seek perfect ease. Christ took up the cross, and we shall, too. Provided we endure sorrows, we’ll find grace from the Lord. This is why the Lord allows us to be tempted: to test the zeal and love we have for him. This is why we need patience. Without patience, people ...
