
In English

Our Laxity towards Sin (Nikolaos Georgantonis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

As we all know, people were made ‘in the image and likeness’ of God. Of course, the ‘likeness’ was besmirched after the expulsion of our first ancestors from Paradise and their defection to sin. But we’ve been given a second chance to return to our Heavenly Father. This path begins with baptism and chrismation which bring the faithful into the Orthodox Christian faith. From this moment, they’re introduced into the arena in which they’ll be called upon to struggle throughout their life for the salvation of their soul. Unfortunately, however, not all of them manage to attain their goal successfully. There are many reasons for this, be they ignorance, indifference, egotism and so on. The main problem we face in ...


Κατηγορίες: In English

On June 26, 2020, the Scientific Council was held at Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary. The session was chaired by...
