
In English

It should require effort and sacrifice (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Of course, good works are not of value when ‘they fall as crumbs from our table’. You don’t give alms from the surplus you have, but from something which will cost you a little. Alms-giving also means hardship and effort. This is why, when Christ saw the widow’s mite, he said: ‘She has put more than anyone into the treasury’. Others put in what they had to spare, but for her it was as if she put in everything she owned, since that was all she had. It’s a good thing if good works involve effort and sacrifice. Metropolitan Athanasios Limassol


He has no need (Saint Theodoros of Edessa)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When we observe Christ’s commandments, we don’t offer him anything, because he needs nothing since he himself confers all good things. What we do is to benefit ourselves by bringing upon us eternal life and the enjoyment of ineffable blessings. Saint Theodoros of Edessa


The Ingratitude of the 9 Lepers, an Enduring Passion (Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Jesus was going towards Jerusalem when, outside a small town, he encountered a group of ten lepers who entreated him loudly: ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us’ (Luke 17, 13). Leprosy was a terrible disease which in ancient times was devastating for those who contracted it and, in the end, proved fatal. If anyone showed the first signs of leprosy, they were seized and sent into exile, away from society, to prevent the spread of the disease. Thank God, we now have medicines to treat this terrible disease, and the relatively few new cases, mostly in the developing world, can be treated effectively. At the time of Christ, however, leprosy was very widespread. It presented an immediate danger to everyone and caused ...
