
In English

Is it backward to believe that sicknesses aren’t transmitted by Holy Communion? (Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We’ve reached the point, and it really is dumbfounding, where, in our country , voices which openly cast doubt on the sanctity of the sacraments, particularly Holy Communion, have found a platform. We now all understand that everything has to pass the test of ‘reason’ and technology. There’s only mathematics and experimentation. Only what can be proved. So, since God can’t be seen, He doesn’t exist. Because I see only bread and wine at Holy Communion, I can’t accept any miracle regarding their transformation into the Body and Blood of Christ. This is what the mass media is telling us and if you say differently, you’re backward and living in the Middle Ages. Even if it’s not ‘Church’ people who are ...


Join a Theological and Spiritual Dialogue with Elder Ephraim of Vatopedi, Mount Athos

Κατηγορίες: In English

The “1st Theological and Spiritual Dialogue with Elder Ephraim of Vatopedi, Mount Athos and the Seminarians of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement of the United States (OISM)“, will take place Friday NOV 13, 2020 07:30 PM Athens time (12:30pm EST). English, Romanian and Rusian interpretation available if you have installed the ZOOM app. If you are a Theology student or academic you may join by registering in advance for this meeting by clicking on the following link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0td-2orzovG9YRVRcmBoMPvEDE7xJ0s4nj After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Elder Ephraim will talk in Greek and we will offer real time English, Romanian and Russian Interpretation for the entire session, including the homily as well as the questions & answers. This e-Synaxis is ...


Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis, the Wonder-Worker (1846-1920)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Feast Day: 9 November The Road to Happiness Nothing’s greater than a pure heart, because such a heart becomes the throne of God. And what’s more glorious than the throne of God? Absolutely nothing. God says of those who have a pure heart: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to me’ (2 Cor. 6, 16). Who, then, are more happy than those people? And what good things do they lack? Don’t they find all good things and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their blessed souls? What else do they need? Nothing; in truth, nothing. Because they have in their hearts the greatest good: God Himself. People ...


Life through Death (Luke 8, 41-56) (Archimandrite Nikanor Karayannis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Do not weep. She has not died but is at rest*’. Then as now, these words of Christ challenge our reason and will always challenge us to put our trust and lay our hope in the reality of the mystery and truth of God. They invite us to look with faith at what is concealed in the dark looking-glass of death. It’s a fact that, from the moment people are born, there’s no other certainty than that they will die at some stage. And yet, this certainty is an unknown experience. We don’t have experience of our death. No-one’s lived through their biological death and can tell us what it means. Nobody can tell us what we’ll go through when ...
