
In English

Archdiocese of Canada Supports the Thomas C. Zachos Chair in Mitochondrial Research

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada has made a gift in support of the Thomas C. Zachos Chair in Mitochondrial Research. The $1,000.00 contribution will go towards the first named chair to support mitochondrial research at the University of Toronto’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios was inspired to make this donation after meeting with Athanasios (Thomas) Zachos at the Archdiocese last month. Thomas is a young man who lives his life with this terrible disease and who has spearheaded the creation of this research chair held by Professor Ana Andreazza. Despite his daily challenges, Thomas, who is the grandson of the former president of the National Philoptochos, Mrs. Vasiliki Zacharopoulos, conducts himself in a most exemplary manner. His ...


Like small children (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If you’re a Christian, you don’t have a home on earth. If the whole of the inhabited word becomes ours, we’re still wayfaring strangers. We’ve been given citizenship of heaven, and that’s where we live. Let’s not be like little children,  ignoring the important things and marveling at trifles. Saint John Chrysostom


The Holy Martyr Ignatios the God-Bearer (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint John Chrysostom At one time, a terrible war broke out against the Churches and spread all over the world like a most dreadful tyranny, with people being seized from the market place on no other accusation but that they had become free of delusion and had hastened towards piety, that they had departed from the religion of the demons, that they had come to know the true God and worshipped His only-begotten Son. And for what they should have been crowned and admired and honoured, because of them, those who embraced the faith were punished and beset with a host of evils. This was especially true of those in charge of the Churches. Because the Devil, being evil and terrible in ...
