
In English

The Birth of Christ: Historical and Theological Facts and how they have sometimes been Distorted (4) (Fr. Sotirios Athanasoulias)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The theological significance of the Nativity Apart from being a historical event, the Birth of Christ is the ‘great mystery of godliness’ (I Tim. 3, 16). What exactly is this mystery? The fact that ‘God appeared in the flesh’ (I Tim. 3, 16), that He became a human person. ‘The mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed’ (16, 25). Essentially, this is the mystery of our salvation, which is performed and wrought by the Son of God Himself, Who became human precisely to save the whole of our race from ‘servitude to the enemy’. Through His coming into the world, the Son of God unites with us and saves us: on the one hand, human nature is united to ...


Bioethics, Biopsychology, Medical Anthropology and Political Philosophy in Hippocrates and John Chrysostomus (Academic Prof. DDDr. Habil. Alexios Panagopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The bioethic work of medical philosopher Hippocrates as the father of medical science and health sciences in Ancient Greece during the 5th century BC is considered very important and topical in today’s reality. In the capital of the Greek island of Kos, which according to the historian Strabo was considered one of the most beautiful cities of the ancient world, there were Agora, Prytaneion, theatre, temples and altars, with statues of local heroes. In this distant but like fairy-tale environment and under the shadow of the historic plane tree, the medical philosopher spent the summer hours writing his books and teaching his disciples. This man of wisdom was destined to become the pride of the island, and afterwards of the ...


Year 2021 Study the Past – Plan for the Future (Archbishop of Canada Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

An Encyclical for New Year’s Day Let us sit and talk for a moment. Let us discuss our sorrows and our troubles. Let us reminisce about the days of old, as well as the most recent past. If we could go back 200 years, we would come across the so-called Old Man of the Morea, the Greek General Theodoros Kolokotronis. Let us pay careful attention to what he would tell us. Can you hear him? This is what he would say: “God has signed in favour of Greece’s freedom and He does not take back His signature.” A handful of brave young men took an oath: freedom or death. For the Holy Faith of Christ. For the freedom of the homeland. For the ...


Shameless and uncontrolled (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Obscenity is when people use foul  language. Such people are the most ridiculous of people, the most dishonorable, brazen-faced, shameless in their behavior, with no control over their tongue, brash and unabashed. They’re laughable. Their mouths are full of inanity, nonsense, and audacity. Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis, the Wonder-Worker
