
In English

Who doesn’t have weaknesses? (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Every passion and all aloofness is merely a spiritual ailment. You have to heal the wickedness and spiritual sickness of others with love and goodness, as you would like them to treat you if were suffering from the same illness. Who doesn’t have weaknesses? Who’s never troubled by the evil one? Saint John Kronstadtskij


Miraculous appearance of Elder Ioakeim, the new builder of the Monastery of Grigoriou to a young man who wanted to become a monk

Κατηγορίες: In English

An old monk by the name of Ioakeim, from the Monastery of Grigoriou, writes: I’d made my final decision and left secretly for the Holy Mountain. The journey was uneventful. I passed through and visited a lot of monasteries and sketes and carefully studied the way of life in each. Having collected much valuable information I decided to become a monk at the Holy Monastery of Blessed Gregory. Before I entered the monastery, I was very tired, so I went to lie down in the shade in a place that was both sheer and hard to reach, just above Yiftario. But I couldn’t get to sleep no matter how I tried. Sleep wouldn’t come. One flight of the imagination after another, one thought ...
