
In English

Saint Mary the Egyptian – Part 3 (Metropolitan Joseph of Proikonissos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

With her desire for God and fervent faith, Mary was completely transformed. She turned her back on the unnatural, which is the state of sin, to the natural, which is purity and cleanliness and then proceeded to the next stage- beyond nature- which is sanctification and the vision of God. Because it’s only in this way, through the fact that she was granted the vision of God, that she saw the uncreated light of Christ, that she was inundated and shone entirely in the uncreated light, that she was warmed, illumined, nourished spiritually and enriched in the experience of this divine and uncreated light, that we can explain how she managed to experience, for forty-seven years, all alone in the pitiless ...


Saint Mary the Egyptian – Part 2 (Metropolitan Joseph of Proikonissos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the morrow, with the power and grace she had received, Mary left and crossed the river. She went to the most isolated part beyond the Jordan, to the desert, where she lived for forty-seven years, without any contact at all with either man or beast. In a region that was harsh, parched and forbidding. A place where we wouldn’t last forty-seven days. Forget that. Not even forty-seven hours! Yet this woman, a fragile vessel, totally unaccustomed to the hardships of life, lived there for forty-seven years on end, with the sun beating down mercilessly on her by day, the cold freezing her at night, and living off a diet of wild plants and roots. How can we well-nourished Christians of ...
