
In English

‘She will bear a son and you will call his name Jesus’ (Metropolitan Serafeim of Kastoria (†))

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘She will bear a son and you will call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins’ (Matth. 1, 21). With these words, the Angel of the Lord revealed to righteous Joseph the purpose of the Nativity in the flesh of the Son and Word of God which we’re preparing to celebrate again this year, within the spiritual climate of our holy Church. Christmas, then, is approaching. First. In his infinite love, God became a human person in order to save us from the destructive mission of the devil and to raise our fallen nature. Therefore, with his incarnate dispensation he makes us his children again by grace, siblings and coheirs in his heavenly kingdom. This is ...


The Iambic Katavasies of Christmas, (Odes 1 and 3)

Κατηγορίες: In English

. The Iambic Katavasia is difficult to understand*, because it is written in iambic meter and is a poetic text, with all the difficulties such a text, particularly an ecclesiastical one, presents. The term ‘iambic’ originated in Ancient Greece and reflected the way words were pronounced then. By the time of Byzantium, pronunciation had changed greatly and  had become much more like that of today, and this was reflected in the composition of hymns. In the Byzantine period, we have a line consisting of twelve syllables, which retained the ancient name of iambic trimeter. In general, only the hymns of the Iambic Canons are written as poetry, while the hymns of the Prose Canons are written as prose. Ode 1 Of old the ...


The Advent of God on Earth and in our Lives (Archimandrite Nikanor Karayannis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The feast of Christmas, which is approaching, invites us to experience the mystery of God’s coming to earth. This advent is a fundamental starting-point  which deepens the meaning of our life and existence and renews our faith and hope in the living presence of God in and around us. The Church triumphantly proclaims that God has become human so that we can become gods. This truth shines a light on all the dark places in our life. This faith becomes a source of joy that opens the door of our existence to the transcendent world of God. In understated colors, the Gospels describe the strange birth of Christ, the expectation of it and the fulfilment of the prophecies. The Fathers ...


Prayer in Church (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint John says: ‘Don’t make such a mistake, my good friend. Because if you do, you’re harming yourself. We know that everyone has the right to make their prayer at home. That’s true. But nobody ever prays at home as they do in church. What is it that makes prayer in church better? In church there are our fathers, the priests. And a crowd of people. And with one heart and voice we talk to our heavenly Father all together. Don’t be taken in by the idea that, if you sit at home and make your prayer there, in your own way, God will hear you better. You’re making a mistake. A grave error. God wants all of us to make ...


Don’t be sad and bitter, Christ is here (Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You should know that you’ll often feel troubled and won’t experience that holy peace, sweet solitude and beloved freedom within you. And sometimes, the movement of your heart may raise dust that hinders you in the course you’re set on. God grants you this for your greater good. Remember that this is warfare, which brought the saints crowns as their great reward.  Every time something is upsetting you, you should say: ‘Lord, you see here your servant; may your will be done to me and in me. I know and confess  that the truth of your words remains always sound, that your promises are sure and I hope in them. I wait only for you’. Certainly, the soul which offers itself ...


The difference between religion and the Christian faith (Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our religion is love, fervent love, enthusiasm, madness, divine longing. All of that’s within us. The acquisition of this is something demanded by the soul. For many people, though, religion’s a struggle, worry and anxiety. This is why so many ‘pious’ people seem so miserable, because they’re in such a sad state. That’s really how things stand. Because if we don’t realize the depth of religion and don’t experience it, religion degrades into a sickness and a terrible one at that. So bad that people lose control over their actions, become supine and weak, overcome with worry and stress and behave under the influence of the evil spirit. They do prostrations, weep, supposedly humble themselves, but all this humility is a Satanic action. ...


Can I manage on my own? (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘We need help, we need people who, after God, will supervise us’ (Abbas Dorotheos) Our culture provides us with those things which create the illusion that we’re self-governing. That we don’t need anyone else and that our own will is sufficient. Apart from anything else, we have unlimited access to so much information that we can form an opinion on anything at all. And there’s no need for any filtering, because we consider ourselves well able to shape our own view. We’re experiencing the debunking of everything. We have no inkling that we’re following an old philosophical principle: generalizing the particular. Philosophy says that such an effort is almost always far from the truth, since nothing can stand alone as a ...


The Antidote to the Temptation of Novelty (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Man has always had the temptation of novelty, for he is by nature a dynamic being. There is an inherent aspiration in the human soul that always seeks for something new. The spirit of man cannot remain static without falling into despondency: without the dynamics of life in God, he becomes bored and is drowned in despondency. Thus, he always needs to grow, to learn something new. Saint Paul says that we are destined for the increase of God (Col 2:19). Man acquires this increase of God when he makes continually a new beginning in his spiritual life. Man has this innate potential of being dynamic, but because he does not have the proper orientation to fulfil it, he suffers ...


Our prayer for others (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When we hear about prayer, our thoughts usually turn to two things: what should I ask for, and what should I request for myself and the people I love. It appears that selfishness touches all aspects of life, defines and tarnishes them. But, according to the Lord’s words, entry into the Kingdom of God is open to anyone who has tried to apply the command: ‘Deny yourself’. That is to say, those whose love has overcome their egocentrism. All of Christ’s friends, aligning themselves with his teaching and his life, abandoned their self and opened up to the boundless extent of his love, which embraces everyone, wherever they may be in the world, and whole-heartedly shares their pains and troubles. This sharing is ...


Spiritual Justice in the Teaching of Saint Iosif the Hesychast (Konstantinos Kinas, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Nowadays, human rights are safeguarded and protected all over the world. This undoubtedly constitutes progress and is an achievement for our civilization. Christian theology has played an important role in the defence of human rights, declaring that the human person is sacred and is made in the image of God. In this way, the concept of human dignity has entered public discourse and is not in question. On a personal level, however, because of the excessive emphasis on human rights, there is a lurking danger of spiritual disorientation, since individualism becomes highly developed. For the faithful in particular, the trend towards self-justification and the pursuit of one’s interests isn’t of benefit. On the contrary, self-condemnation and deference to one’s neighbor ...


Discernment (Saint Makarij of Optina)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Allow me not to return to the past, but to dwell rather on what may prove useful and beneficial in the future.According to the teachings of the holy Fathers, every impression, every image, every thought that comes into the region of our heart and fills it with great turbulence certainly comes from the realm of the passions. This is why we shouldn’t follow the impulses of our heart immediately, but only after careful self-examination and intense prayer. God preserve us from a blinded heart. Because it’s common knowledge that the passions blind the heart and darken the bright sun of the mind, the sun on which we should all fix our gaze earnestly, at all times. *** Finally, the endless night has ...


Unpleasant, but beneficial (Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Calumny is a great evil. It’s very wicked when other people attack and smear you. It happens. Suddenly. Out of the blue. Sometimes it’s God’s just verdict on us; sometimes it isn’t. In the first instance, when we’ve also been at fault, when we’ve also committed bad acts and actions by attributing to others allegations similar to those they ascribe to us, we really shouldn’t dwell on how much we’re suffering, but we should rather concern ourselves with putting things to rights. That includes ourselves. Then the invective against us will cease. In the case where we’re being slandered harshly, while we don’t remember ever committing such offences against others, it’s natural to feel bad. But even then it perhaps behooves us ...


Seeing the gap (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Since we’re Christians and want to imitate the life of Christ and to be truly united with him, we should look at how he lived, what he was like and how we are. When we see the gap that separates us, then, according to Saint Païsios, ‘sweet pain’ will be engendered in our soul. This is what begets repentance, humility and tears. Unless we’re so arrogant and sick that we say we’re already very close to being like Christ. Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol


Patience Sanctifies (Nikolaos Voineskos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Some years ago, a lady sent a letter to the late elder Efraim Katounakiotis, in which she told him that she had the weight of the world on her shoulders and a great cross which she was unable to bear. Elder Efraim answered: ‘You write that you have many burdens. I say to you: “All the better for your soul”. God, who gives you these burdens knows that you’re bearing so much; he knows how much your soul can stand; that if he gives you more, you’ll fall; that if he gives you less he’s being unfair to you, reducing your eternal reward and eternal joy’. In one part of Athens, there was a cobbler, a very harsh man, who ...


11th Sunday of Luke (excerpts from the Kyriakodromion) (Monk Agapios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If a great king magnanimously laid out a banquet and invited everyone under his rule- young and old, rich and poor- to attend; and if he had prepared all kinds of appetizing, rich foods; and if, when the time came to eat, he sent out his only-begotten, precious son to bring in the guests; and if, by their refusal to take part in this rich, royal banquet and by their invention of absurd excuses, they scorned the king and his son who called them; would  they not be deserving of  harsh condemnation? They certainly would. Because they disrespected such a generous and magnanimous king and deprived themselves through their foolishness of this sumptuous banquet. ‘At the time of the banquet, he ...


The Perfectionist (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Don’t, out of vanity or sycophancy, insist on having your own way, quarrelling with and tormenting yourselves and your neighbor, just so that, afterwards, you can hear people saying that nobody can beat you’ (Abba Dorotheos) There are two ways of carrying out a task: with diligence which borders on perfectionism or with casualness, the ‘whatever’ approach. This is also true in human relationships. There are those who strive hard as regards love: they pore over the details, they want to please others in all things; they put their best foot forward, precisely because they assign the greatest importance to love.  And there are also those who don’t take relationships seriously. They just want to get by and their only concern ...


The Sacred Supper of the Bloodless Divine Eucharist (Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In today’s Gospel reading, we hear the Lord relating the very instructive parable of the great supper, as the Fathers of the Church call it. We know that it was often through parables, that is imaginary stories, that the Lord revealed very important and substantial truths of the faith which are indissolubly linked to the matter of our salvation. This is also the case with this particular parable. The person who prepared this formal banquet invited a great many people. The normal, expected thing would have been for all those invited to come to the supper, given that the host was an important leader. When supper was ready to be served, he sent out his servant to tell his guests to ...
