Αρχείο μήνα

Ιούνιος 2016

«Χαμένο» μοναστήρι προκαλεί σοκ τους Τούρκους!

Κατηγορίες: Ειδήσεις και Ανακοινώσεις, Θαύματα και θαυμαστά γεγονότα, Θεολογία και Ζωή

Γράφει ο Νίκος Χειλαδάκης,Δημοσιογράφος-Συγγραφέας-Τουρκολόγος Ένα «χαμένο», όπως αναφέρουν χαρακτηριστικά οι ίδιοι οι Τούρκοι, ελληνορθόδοξο βυζαντινό μοναστήρι που ερευνάται τον τελευταίο...


Monk Efraim Lavriotis (1926-25 June,1999)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Monk Efraim Lavriotis carrying the icon of the Mother of God the Dread Protection (photo. Monk Païsios Karyotis) Emmanouïl Fotios Passalis, this kind, very simple, very humble man of God, was born in the village of Maritsa, Rhodes in 1926. While he was in the world , his spiritual father was the late Amfilohios Makris (†1970). He came to the Holy Mountain and went first to the skete of Kavsokalyvia, to the Elders Mihaïl (†1979) and Ierotheos (†1968). He came to the Monastery of the Great Lavra in 1957 and was tonsured a monk in 1958. He had great reverence for the founder of the Monastery, Saint Athanasios the Athonite. He was a willing and conscientious servant of the monastery ...


The Oikonomia/Abortion Collision (Valarie H. Protopapas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Within the Church, oikonomia is supposed to be applied with utmost care and with an eye toward the perfection to which we are called as followers of Christ. It is also (properly) invoked with the intent of making a bad situation better, not worse. However, this practice means that possibly and under certain circumstances there can be a departure from the seemingly unchangeable position of the Church on matters which include morality. And because we no longer live in a Christian culture and many things which in the past would have been considered crimes are now presented as acceptable and even preferable, the practice of oikonomia is fraught with moral and spiritual perils. Any deviation however slight from the moral ...


Tα μνημόσυνα ωφελούν μόνο τους νεκρούς, ή ωφελούν και τους ζωντανούς;

Κατηγορίες: Θαύματα και θαυμαστά γεγονότα, Θεολογία και Ζωή

Ερώτηση: Πάτερ, τα μνημόσυνα ωφελούν μόνο τους νεκρούς, ή ωφελούν και τους ζωντανούς;   Άκουσε κόρη μου, την εποχή του...


Ξηροί καρποί: σύμμαχοί μας στην πρόληψη του σακχαρώδους διαβήτη

Κατηγορίες: Επιστήμες, Τέχνες & Πολιτισμός

Η Διαιτολόγος-Διατροφολόγος, Βασιλική Σκρέτα, μας εξηγεί τα θρεπτικά συστατικά των ξηρών καρπών και πώς αυτά επιδρούν στην υγεία μας, προφυλάσσοντάς...
